Baby monitor hacked Horrified parents discover a man chatting with

Baby monitor hacked: Horrified parents discover a man chatting with their baby

Australian parents who were left speechless when they discovered a man had allegedly hacked into their baby monitor to chat with their little girl have warned other parents to be careful with their children’s devices that connect to Wi-Fi.

“I woke up this morning to someone talking to our 1 year old on the damn camera […] Parents, be careful because [les gens] Hack these things and watch,” Australian rapper J-Milla and his partner Poppy Radbone said in a video posted to TikTok last week and reported by the New York Post.

In their statement, which reached more than 1.2 million views, the couple explained that they woke up around 6 a.m. on Thursday and heard a male voice coming from their little girl’s bedroom.

The father then rushed to the door “ready to attack this guy” before realizing by quickly opening the door that no one was physically in the room, the rapper continued.

He then allegedly realized that the hacker was chatting with the baby using the VTech brand baby monitor, which was connected to Wi-Fi and also had a screen.

“It’s really scary. “We don’t know what to do yet,” his partner testified, urging parents to be extremely vigilant.

In the comments, many Internet users recommended using a baby monitor that is not connected to Wi-Fi, as the situation is more common than it seems, the American newspaper reported.

“This can also happen through your baby’s toys. Unfortunately, if they connect to WiFi or have Bluetooth, anyone can talk to your baby,” someone warned.