Its always Cartabianca Berlinguer is annoyed by Sallustis criticism of

It’s always Cartabianca, Berlinguer is annoyed by Sallusti’s criticism of Orsini: Sparks on TV

In the episode of È semper Cartabianca from October 24th, the rags are flying on television. Professor Alessandro Orsini’s words anger Alessandro Sallusti, the director of Il Giornale, and in the end even Bianca Berlinguer, presenter of the talk show on Tuesday evening on Rete4, ends up in the middle of it: “Professor Orsini lives in a country ruled by Giorgia Meloni to whom he I can say this nonsense freely. I classify his statements, he doesn’t live in a kibbutz and he doesn’t live in a refugee camp, he lives in a free country where he can say these things for 7-8 thousand euros a month. This is Professor Orsini, period, there is nothing else. Orsini comes to tell us that the terrorists are right in return for 4-5-6 thousand euros, and that’s okay because Meloni rules.”

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Berlinguer doesn’t like the term used by the director, who asks him to express himself in other words and then teases his guest, while Sallusti doesn’t hold back: “We know you’re biased and that’s okay, that’s all.” There. You are biased because you don’t live in a kibbutz, I don’t live in a refugee camp, but you don’t live in a kibbutz. Come on, Bianca, you’re biased. “Okay, so we’re all like that, only you understand it because you live in a kibbutz and in a Palestinian refugee camp,” the landlady concludes the conflict.