Australia sends troops and military aircraft to the Middle East.webp

Australia sends troops and military aircraft to the Middle East Brasil Notícias

Australian Broadcasting Corporation/Portal.

According to the country’s Deputy Prime Minister and Defense Minister Richard Marles, the Australian government is sending more military personnel and aircraft to the Middle East region as part of “Operation Beech”.

Marles told Nine News, a CNN affiliate in Australia, on Wednesday (25) that the government had sent two more military aircraft to the region, bringing the total to three.

“The deployment of Australian aircraft and support to defense personnel is a precautionary measure to support all Australian government emergency options given the risk of further deterioration in the security situation,” Marles said on X on Wednesday.

Nine News reported that the military aircraft was accompanied by “a significant number of military personnel” to support its delivery and a “small commando unit.”

He added that Australian Defense Forces were not there for operational reasons, but as an “emergency” to support Australians in the region.

He also described the situation in the region as “challenging and rapidly evolving”, adding that Australians wishing to leave are encouraged to take the first available commercial option.

CNN Brazil