War Israel Gaza, Erdogan defends the terrorist group. LIVE

“Last night around 10 p.m., two men with covered faces attacked Karem Rohana, a Palestinian popularizer, speech therapist and influencer with over 100,000 followers on Instagram. Together with him was also our Benedetta Sabene, who was pushed by the two attackers. Michele Santoro and the editorial team of Servizio Pubblico made this known. Karem Rohana, they explain, announced his arrival through his social media profiles announced from Jerusalem at Fiumicino Airport. “In all likelihood he was followed to the Ostiense district of Rome, where he was ambushed. The two attackers, with clearly Roman accents, climbed back into two after kicking and punching Karem Rohana in the face and body different cars.” Then the rescue arrived at the scene of the ambush and the two attackers filed a complaint against unknown persons. The Digos of Rome are investigating the case.” The Committee for the Promotion of Peace, Land and Dignity expresses its solidarity with Benedetta Sabene and Karem Rohana, stressing that “the anti-Palestinian climate is increasing at a worrying rate.” We cannot accept that the climate of tension these days leads to acts of violence from wherever it comes. We hope that the investigation continues and those responsible are handed over to the relevant authorities. We are now more convinced than ever that all policy on the Israeli-Palestinian question must focus on the values ​​of solidarity, tolerance and… Respect for others is at the center. We have condemned Hamas’s atrocities and believe that Israel’s security is fundamental. With equal force we call for a ceasefire that guarantees the human rights of the citizens of Gaza and the right of the Palestinian people to exist as such.”