The World Synod enters its final week Kathpress

World Synod published in the Vatican "Letter to the people of God" Kathpress

Vatican City, October 25, 2023 (KAP) The members of the World Synod gathered in Rome published a joint message to the entire Catholic Church on Wednesday. In the “Letter to the People of God”, the synodists emphasize that they felt supported by the prayers, expectations, questions and also fears of the faithful during their almost four-week meeting.

The Synod is “an unprecedented experience”. “For the first time, at the invitation of Pope Francis, men and women were invited, by virtue of their baptism, to sit at the same table and to participate not only in the discussions, but also in the votes of this Synod of Bishops,” it says the text.

In the letter, the approximately 350 members of the Synod recall that their meeting took place “in the context of a world ravaged by crisis, whose wounds (…) gave our deliberations a particular gravity, all the more so because some of us came from countries where there are violent wars.” Without naming individual countries or wars, the text continues: “We pray for the victims of murderous violence and do not forget those who were led to the dangerous paths of migration by poverty and corruption.”

The vocation of the Church is “to proclaim the Gospel, not focusing on itself, but placing itself at the service of the infinite love with which God loves the world”.

The text also addresses the ongoing disagreements in the Synod and emphasizes: “Now the challenges are diverse and the questions are numerous”. The summary report of the first session of the Synod “will clarify the agreements reached, highlight outstanding issues and show how the work can be continued”.

Hear from victims of abuse

To do this, the Church must listen to the poor, the lawless, and the victims of racism. Above all, the Church also has a duty to listen to victims of abuse, “who are specifically and structurally committed to ensuring that something like this does not happen again.”

Furthermore, they must “listen to the laity, women and men, all called to holiness because of their baptismal vocation”. To make progress in synod deliberations, the Church must also “include even more closely the words and experiences of ordained ministers.” Mention is made of priests “whose sacramental service is indispensable for the life of the entire body” and deacons “who through their service express the care of the entire Church for the weakest”.

The Church must also allow itself to be challenged by the “prophetic voice” of religious people. She must also pay attention to those who did not share her faith but sought the truth.

(Wording of the letter of the Synod of Bishops in German working translation: