1698255311 Before landing a major role in STAT this actress had

Before landing a major role in STAT, this actress had made the decision to no longer star in 7 Days

Sarah Dagenais-Hakim is currently delivering a breathtaking performance STAT. However, in recent years, it is her passion for wellness that has dominated the actress’ life. After training in Costa Rica and Mexico, she returned to Quebec, where she found love and fully enjoyed this unexpected return to the game.

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Sarah, see you these days STAT. Did you enjoy your experience with this set?

I loved! It was still four years since I played. STAT was a nice surprise since I had made the decision not to play anymore. In this series, Nora, my character, experiences difficult and disturbing things; I had a lot of difficult scenes to shoot. She also speaks with a North African accent, and since I have Moroccan roots, I had a lot of fun with it.

Before landing a major role in STAT this actress had

Photo: Patrick Seguin / TVA Pu

And why did you decide to stop playing?

Basically it is a very difficult task. But there were still several reasons that led me to this decision. In 2018, I got a role in the Victor Lessard series, which was the best of my career. I have dreamed all my life of playing such a character in such a big project with such an extraordinary team. However, when I got there, part of me felt very happy and fulfilled and wondered if there were other passions within me that I also wanted to explore. At least I knew I had to convey what I had learned on my personal journey.

Was your personal journey difficult?

Yes, really. I had a very special path in life. When I was younger I had no self-esteem, no self-worth. I’ve had suicidal thoughts before…

But you are so bright, positive and inspiring!

Thank you, that’s nice, but I had to work really hard to learn to love myself, heal from it, and change the relationship I had with myself. I also became very ill in my twenties and almost died. Even my relationship with my health was shaken.

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Patrick Seguin

Where did this discomfort come from back then?

Without going into too much detail, I had trauma in my childhood. I became my own worst enemy. So I studied psychology, neuroscience, meditation and hypnosis. I have consulted with both psychologists and energy medicine therapists. I even received Reiki treatments. In 13 years of working on myself, I have truly made a 180 degree turnaround.

Impressive! You mentioned that you were very sick and close to death…

Yes, I had ulcerative colitis. It is a chronic inflammatory bowel disease. In other words, my own immune system turned against me. In 2018 I embarked on this whole life journey of learning to love myself, heal myself and reprogram myself. With all this baggage inside me, mixed with the little voice of my soul, my wisdom and my fears that I wanted to plunge into, I decided to go to Costa Rica alone for three weeks. I didn’t want to talk to anyone, I wanted to be with myself.

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Did you want to take stock?

Absolutely! After this great experience with Victor Lessard, I needed complete silence. I had to meditate, do yoga, write, read and spend time in the ocean to regain my focus. I didn’t even want to socialize, I needed to clear my head, some kind of journey into myself.

Did this trip give you answers?

Such! In life I am also a singer. I have a band and we play jazz, soul and rhythm & blues music. In October 2019 I received an incredible offer to be part of a show and tour all the way to Europe for two years.

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What a great opportunity!

Absolutely! Five years ago I would have cried tears of joy if this had been given to me. But… I declined the offer. I had just started my YouTube channel on personal development and wellness and was listening to my little voice. I was torn, but deep down I felt I had made the right decision.

What did your family and friends think?

The people around me said to me bluntly: “But Sarah, are you crazy? We offer you this beautiful role on a silver platter, you don’t even have to audition!” I really wondered if I was crazy at some point. (laughs) It was lucky that I followed my intuition because the first shows started in December, then in March the pandemic stopped everything.

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And what have you done?

I was single, no kids, no commitments, so I moved to Costa Rica and Mexico to further my education in coaching and wellness. In Mexico I met musicians from Quebec with whom I did some shows. In fact, I fulfilled my dream of singing in cenotes, a kind of crater full of clear and pure water… It was spectacular! During my years in the South I studied coaching and hypnotherapy.

Are you a hypnotherapist?

Yes, among other things. It’s crazy how life is full of surprises sometimes! (laughs) When I left Quebec, I imagined staying in the south for a long time and building a new life by the sea. I had an extraordinary experience – I even lived five minutes walk from the sea. It was really magical because I lived in the rhythm of nature.

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Did you miss the game with this new career?

No way! I really had a calling to explore something different. I find it so rewarding to support people with their challenges! I have even accompanied some who came to me with suicidal thoughts and not liking themselves. I then received testimonies from people who said to me after our meetings, “Sarah, I have found joy in life again and learned to love myself.” When I receive such a testimonial, it is invaluable.

What brought you back to Quebec?

My grandmother wasn’t feeling well. His health deteriorated rapidly, so I returned. It was difficult for my mother and my family. I was supposed to stay here for three weeks and then leave, but I also met a wonderful man. I fell in love and never left. (laughs)

It’s love that kept you in Quebec!

Not bad, yes! (laughs) And when I came back here, the desire to return to the game came over me. When I found myself immersed in our wonderful cultural activities in Montreal, I wanted to reconnect with the game. About three months ago I made my request to the universe. Eventually it was announced that I was returning to Quebec, the opportunity to play at STAT arose for me and I am very happy about it.

The universe is definitely listening!

I think so! (laughs) I’m doing really well and I’ll soon realize another one of my dreams. I’m working on my first album and I feel ready to experience it. At 40, I am grateful and amazed, both for the woman I am and for my inner child. I enjoy everything that happens to me. I have worked so hard on myself that today I trust life and let go.

• Also read: A week after the arrival of Marc Beaupré’s character in “STAT,” the public has its say

SEE ALSO: The development of the STAT comedians: