Belgio, arrestato sospetto complice dell’attentatore di Bruxelles

Photo gallery – Attentato nel heart di Bruxelles

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Il presunto killer

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Il presunto killer

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The taxi does not have the same status and is due to traffic

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Il presunto killer

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Il presunto killer

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The taxi does not have the same status and is due to traffic

E’ stato convalidato in Belgium The arrest of a man who is the accomplice of the authorAttentato del 16 ottobre in Bruxelles, in cui hanno perso la vita due svedesi. The police have confirmed the misura cautelare by Lamjed K, di 44 anni, Tunisino. The man, sospettato di essere “collegato all’arma utilizzata durante l’attacco” da parte di Abesalem Lassoued, è accusato di “omicidio e tentato omicidio in contesto terroristico e di partecipazione alle actività di un’organizzazione terroristica”.

The attack in Bruxelles has been verified for two years l’attacco al liceo di Arras, in Francia, in the name of an ex-student of the school named Mohammed Mogouchkov, who was assassinated by the name of Dominique Bernard, named “Allah Akbar”. The aggressor in this case was previously preceded by all French authorities and came to an individual and radical radicalization.