1698335343 Now and Then Les Beatles sortiront une chanson inedite

Now and Then | Les Beatles sortiront une chanson inédite

Plus de 53 ans après la separation du groupe, a chanson inédite des Beatles, écrite par John Lennon et totalement inconnue du grand public, sortira le 2 November.

Published at 9:34 a.m. and at 10:32 a.m


The song is called Now And Then, and it is written by John Lennon in the years 1970. In addition to the solo version, the song is part of the new edition of the Beatles’ Blue Album (1967-1970), on sale on November 10th.

« In 2023, I worked encore on the music of the Beatles and I found myself at the point of sorting a new chanson that the public did not enter, I thought it was something exciting », declared Paul McCartney, in a communiqué publié jeudi matin.

Now and Then Les Beatles sortiront une chanson inedite


Paul McCartney

The history of the new song debuted at the end of the 1970s, in New York. John Lennon recorded a demo of the song in his house in New York, at the time, donc, before the assassination, in 1980.

This woman, Yoko Ono, recorded the recording of Now And Then with other members of the group in 1994, in the same period as Free As A Bird and Real Love – the songs also included in the singles in 1995 and en 1996. À l’époque, Paul McCartney, George Harrison et Ringo Starr available enregistré de new parties de Now And Then, in the espoir d’aboutir de la compléter.

« À ce stade, les limitations technologiques empêchaient the voice and the piano de John d’être separates for listening to a mixage clair et sans nuages, ce qui était ​​necessaire pour terminer the chanson », écrit Universal Music dans le communiqué. Now And Then a donc été mis sur la ice cream.

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Ringo Starr

The technology continues to evolve. In 2021, the team of the documentary series The Beatles : Get Back a fait des merveilles en isolated les instruments et les voix des vieux enregistrements des Beatles. The réalisateur, Peter Jackson, applied the same technique to the original demo of Now And Then recorded by John Lennon. This is the voice of Lennon, in the separate piano.

Les deux survivants de groupe ont complété la chanson en 2022: Paul on piano and guitar, and Ringo on battery. Tous deux ont also enregister leurs voix en arrière-plan. The crew includes a number of guitar recording parties by George in 1995.

« Elle était là, the voice of John, limpide, a déclaré Paul McCartney. C’est assez émouvant. Et nous jouons tous dessus. C’est a veritable recording of the Beatles. “C’était comme si John était là,” and Ringo Starr.

The Now And Then series was released on November 3rd, along with the diffusion of a video clip. A documentary film of 12 minutes on the creation of the song, available on November 1st on the YouTube chain of the Beatles. Voici the bande-annonce, en English.