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The MPLA Politburo analyzed Angola’s development program

Luanda, October 26 (Prensa Latina) The Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA) today analyzed the National Development Plan 2023-2027 and other matters relevant to the country.

The meeting, chaired by the leader of the political party and President of the Republic, João Lourenço, assessed issues such as the need for greater involvement in the agricultural sector and the impact of the scenario of international instability and inflation on the social context of Angola at the national level. World.

According to press statements by the Secretary of the Politburo for Social Policy, Marcicel Kapama, the debate focused on issues such as the loss of purchasing power of the population and the quality of education and health.

They also analyzed issues such as job creation for young people and family farming.

Members agreed that the country is in a difficult economic and social situation, Kapama said, adding that one of the causes of this phenomenon is the oil-dependent economy, which is heavily affected by fluctuations and conflicts on the international stage .

“We know that although we are in a comprehensive diversification process, these problems are still not resolved,” commented the minister, who highlighted the great commitment of the MPLA leader and the government in general to do everything possible to address the situation to reverse.

During the meeting, they also analyzed internal matters that will be considered at the next meeting of the party’s Central Committee, scheduled for the second half of November this year.

Among other things, he mentioned the approval of the information on the activities developed by the Politburo Secretariat in the second quarter of the year, as well as the Central Committee’s activities and events plan for 2024.

Members of the party structure also received information about the Agostinho Neto International Airport, which will be inaugurated next month.
