War between Hamas and Israel Israeli settlements in the West

War between Hamas and Israel: Israeli settlements in the West Bank

Published on October 26, 2023 10:15 p.m. Updated on October 26, 2023 10:57 p.m

Video length: 2 min

War between Hamas and Israel: Israeli settlements in the West Bank -

War between Hamas and Israel: Israeli settlements in the West Bank War between Hamas and Israel: Israeli settlements in the West Bank – (FRANCE 2)

Freelance Russian journalist beaten up in Chechnya.svg

Article written by France 2 – M. Burgot, Y. Moine, Y. Kadouch, H. Nalbandian, @RevelateursFTV

France TV

Israeli colonization continues in the West Bank. According to the United Nations, more than 500 Palestinian Bedouins have been displaced in recent weeks. Reporting.

They found refuge in the Christian town of Taybeh (West Bank). Bedouins were driven out by Israeli settlers two weeks ago. They live in the West Bank, a Palestinian territory divided by Jewish colonies. These sedentary nomads had to flee within a few hours. They took their only wealth with them, their livestock. The Bedouins discreetly filmed the settlers at the end of the exclusion campaign. An Israeli soldier in uniform is present.

An increase in colonization

“The Israeli soldiers didn’t help us. On the contrary, they were with the settlers and also threatened us,” says a Bedouin. In these hills, Benjamin Netanyahu’s government and his far-right allies support colonization. In Wadi Al-Sik (West Bank), a Bedouin shows the 20-heures teams the locations of recently displaced Arab communities. The settlers are taking advantage of the current disorder to increase colonization. According to the United Nations, more than 500 Palestinian Bedouins have been displaced in the past two weeks.

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