Hamas releases list of those killed in Gaza bombings com

Hamas releases list of those killed in Gaza bombings .com

After the Hamas terrorist attack on Israel on October 7th, the bombings began Mahmoud HAMS / AFP October 26, 2023

The Palestinian terrorist group Hamas released on Thursday (26) the names of more than 6,700 people who died in the bombings in the Gaza Strip in retaliation for the violent attack by Islamist militiamen on October 7.

The list of 6,747 names was released a day after US President Joe Biden made comments that cast doubt on the accuracy of the report. Hamas, which rules the Gaza Strip, said it still hoped to confirm the identities of 281 dead. The listing information has not yet been independently confirmed.

This Wednesday (25), the President of the United States, Joe Biden, said that he had “no confidence in the figures that the Palestinians use for the number of deaths in the Gaza Strip,” which is controlled by Hamas, whose ministry is loud More than 6,500 people were killed in Israeli attacks.

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“What they tell me is that I have no idea that the Palestinians are telling the truth about how many people were killed. “I’m sure innocent people were killed and that’s the price of war,” Biden said.

“Israelis must be incredibly careful to ensure that they focus on prosecuting the people who are promoting this war against Israel. And it’s against their interest if that doesn’t happen,” Biden added.

“But I have no confidence in the numbers that the Palestinians are using.” Biden did not say why he was skeptical of the Palestinian numbers.

Israel invades Gaza at night with several tanks, confronts terrorists and leaves the region; see photos

The Israeli army announced on Thursday (26) that it had entered the Gaza Strip overnight with several tanks and infantry to carry out what it described as a “targeted operation” in the area. The action is in preparation for a ground attack on Palestinian territory controlled by Hamas. In the photo above you can see several tanks moving in the Gaza Strip

Israeli Army/AFP October 26, 2023

“The army conducted a targeted tank operation in the north of the Gaza Strip as part of preparations for the next phases of combat,” the Israel Defense Forces said. “The soldiers left the area at the end of the activity,” an official statement said. The photo shows an explosion in Gaza caused by Israeli tank fire attacking Hamas structures


The Israeli military noted that in the nighttime attack, “soldiers located and attacked numerous terrorists, terrorist infrastructure and antitank missile launch sites, and prepared the battlefield.”


An Israeli military spokesman confirmed to AFP that it was not the first time since October 7 that Israeli soldiers and tanks had entered Gaza in limited attacks. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Wednesday evening (25) that in addition to the intensive bombing of the Gaza Strip, “we are preparing a ground offensive.”


On October 7, Hamas militants entered Israel from Gaza, where they killed 1,400 people, mostly civilians, and took 222 hostages. There are more than 300 soldiers among the Israelis killed. In the photo there are other tanks in action in the Gaza Strip


More than 6,500 Gazans have been killed in Israeli bombings, including 2,704 children, according to the Hamascontrolled health ministry in the area. The image shows the movement of the Israeli army in the early hours of this Thursday (26). when it entered the Gaza Strip. Gaza for a “special operation”


Israeli tanks entered the Gaza Strip to prepare for the ground invasion that could take place at any time


Israel has already announced that it will invade the Gaza Strip as part of a major ground operation. The aim is to confront Hamas terrorists who are holding more than 200 people hostage