Martin Matte live Mike Ward reveals how much Under Listening

“Martin Matte live”: Mike Ward reveals how much “Under Listening” earns him every month

In a rare TV appearance, comedian Mike Ward visited his long-time friend Martin Matte on the set of his talk show on Thursday evening. He revealed some confidences and, in particular, revealed who had been the worst guest Hear and how much he earns monthly from his podcast.

Relaxed and smiling, the comedian, who stands out in both the French and English scenes, Martin Matte, revealed during the “Quests on a Card” segment that he earns a five-figure amount per month thanks to his podcast “Mike Ward: Listening”, either closer to $50,000 than $100.

The worst guest he would have received in the brothel would have been Sébastien Bourgeault. “Every time he comes it’s a disaster and then it’s fun, but the first hour is always hard,” Mike Ward said in this segment.

The success of Hear

“It was really the internet that really gave birth to me. Even in the beginning, before there was high-speed internet, I said [en ligne] Audio excerpts in MP3 format. It took 20 minutes to “download” a one-minute MP3 file. “That didn’t make any sense,” initially said the 50-year-old comedian, who now makes a good living with the spin-offs of his podcast.

He also returned to the genesis of this project, which began after a New Brunswick fan who won a contest for a private Mike Ward show introduced him to podcasts. The comedian admitted that he fell under the spell of podcasting back then.

“I said to myself, ‘I would love to do that. The technology is there, I’m going to put on a ‘show.'” I’ve always liked Quebec comedians, but I think comedians are funnier “backstage” than on stage. I thought it would be fun to listen to the world behind the stage,” explained Mike Ward.

His podcast first started on Skype before conquering YouTube and other podcasting platforms. To date, the comedian holds several records, including the Guinness Record for the most tickets sold to record an episode.

Martin Matte wanted on Thursday evening to highlight the great generosity of his friend, whom he knew at the National School of Humor in the early 1990s, and in particular to return to his initiative to build tiny houses and offer them to hikers. An initiative that the city of Montreal rejected in the middle of winter.

The two men also introduced a new segment, “The Mike is right,” in which two people in the audience had to correctly identify the price of items purchased by Mike Ward. They then spent a lot of time with Marylène Gendron, who made fun of them.

Martin Matte will be broadcast live from Espace St-Denis on TVA every Thursday from 9 p.m. Next week Martin welcomes Anne Dorval.