Country and passion Ramiro stops killing and becomes a hero

Country and passion: Ramiro stops killing and becomes a hero in the final sprint TV

A favorite couple from Terra e Paixão, Ramiro (Amaury Lorenzo) and Kelvin (Diego Martins), prompted Walcyr Carrasco to change the shooter’s profile in Globo’s nine o’clock soap opera. The author made the henchman stop killing and toned down the entire storyline of the character starting to work as Antônio’s (Tony Ramos) handyman. The farmer will save Vinícius (Paulo Rocha) from death in order to become a hero and experience a happy ending alongside the waiter.

From now until the end of Globo’s nine o’clock soap opera, the final chapter of which airs on January 19, Amaury Lorenzo’s character will refuse to kill Agatha (Eliane Giardini) at the behest of Irene (Gloria Pires). He will apologize that he cannot contradict Antônio, but the truth is that the henchman is already checking his attitudes in the past.

Ramiro will go further in redemption by saving Vinícius’ life. He will help his boss search for the geologist who is shot in the chest. When Antônio sees his rival lying in the forest, he asks the henchman to take his pulse to make sure he is dead. “Dead da Silva. The shot was accurate, boss,” he will lie.

However, some time later, Ramiro becomes confused when Irene asks him if Antônio really killed Vinícius. “Ah… Yes… He… He killed, yes. The geologist is dead,” he will answer nervously. Kelvin, having overheard their conversation, will catch his friend’s attention and suggest he seek therapy.

In fact, therapy will be important for Ramiro to understand his feelings for Kelvin, deal with his anger and know how to refuse Antônio’s commands and commands.

In the original synopsis of Earth and Paixão, Ademir (Charles Fricks) would be Kelvin’s secret boyfriend, even serving as a punching bag for Ramiro’s homophobia and machismo show. However, the duo succeeded, and the henchman’s lyrics were toned down and used to get viewers to discuss the matter.

The route change was so successful that Walcyr Carrasco had no choice but to subtly change Ramiro’s profile from henchman to hero.

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