Joice Hasselmann How did the former deputy lose 24 kilos

Joice Hasselmann: How did the former deputy lose 24 kilos? Splashes

Joice says she is responsible for holding Mass from home. “You don’t eat bad food in my house. To maintain your weight, you need to eat delicious food and what you enjoy. I always go to the market at my house to buy vegetables, fruits and just healthy foods. A A follower these days said he wants to lose weight but he doesn’t eat vegetables, fruits and veggies. I told him to buy a good funeral plan because changing his diet to improve health and lead a healthier life was one of those sacrifices. “

The former deputy revealed that she exercises seven times a week. “In my gym the opposite is true. My personal trainer tells me to rest and I don’t want to. He tells me to lower the weight and I ask to increase it. I already lift 180 kilos on the leg press and 220 kilos on the abduction chair. I never thought my waist would be a size 65.

Before and after

Recently, Joice Hasselmann went viral on social media after sharing a photo showing the before and after of her own body.

The first one before she starts losing weight, the second one is wearing a bodysuit and showing her slim waist with her toned body.

The former member of the Bundestag began the weight loss process in 2020. Since then, she says she has lost around 24 kilos.