1698460632 Partial lunar eclipse will be seen on Saturday night

Partial lunar eclipse will be seen on Saturday night | SN.at Salzburger

A partial lunar eclipse can be observed in Austria on Saturday night – provided the weather is good. The eclipse can be seen in full, with a maximum of 13% of the lunar disk being covered by Earth’s umbra. Experts classify the event as the highlight of the astronomical year 2023.

The play of celestial shadows begins at 9:34 pm, when the moon enters Earth’s umbra. The peak is at 10:14 pm: during maximum eclipse, 13% of the moon’s disk lies in Earth’s umbra. Finally, at 10:54 pm, the event ends with the moon emerging from the umbra.

Lunar eclipses only occur during a full moon. The sun, earth and moon are aligned and Earth’s satellite moves through Earth’s umbra or penumbra. The moon can be completely (total lunar eclipse) or only partially (partial lunar eclipse) immersed in this shadow.