Jam a Morgan Comedians improvise as singers for Halloween

“Jam à Morgan”: Comedians improvise as singers for Halloween

On the evening of October 31st, Mariana Mazza, Mona de Grenoble, Coco Belliveau and Jo Cormier will dress up as singers for an evening. Meanwhile, the comedians exchange jokes for words Jam to Morgana musical concept thought up by comedian Dave Morgan a few years ago.

Dave Morgan has a passion for music. Shortly before the pandemic, the 35-year-old comedian had the idea of ​​hosting a show with a group of musicians. He also invited newcomers to the song, fellow comedians, to join him on stage. This is how the Jam ton Top 3 Podcast came about. Three years later, the concept is approaching 40 episodes.

For the third time, Dave and his musicians decided to organize a special Halloween evening. “Halloween has a special excitement, a touch of magic,” he says. There are a lot of people there who aren’t musicians and suddenly become rock stars. The band and I have always found these events to be our best.”

On Tuesday evening, Dave and his musicians will offer a medley inspired by this celebration. And they will welcome several comedians who will come and sing their favorite songs. “We hope everyone comes dressed up!” he says.

Porn flakes

Hadn’t the Porn Flakes exploited the concept of having newcomers to the song accompanied by experienced musicians back in the mid-2000s? Dave Morgan bursts out laughing when he hears our question. “Yes, I accept it very well, the inspiration of Porn Flakes! I’ve even been compared to Belle and Bum. Being on the internet gives us a lot of freedom when it comes to the songs we make. We don’t have to pay thousands of dollars for the rights.”

Dave Morgan has a passion for music and continues to perform comedy shows. “I have put my solo show aside for a bit, but from December I will start running again,” says the man, who also does radio at Énergie.

“My head is humor and my heart is music,” says the man, who majored in music in high school. I need both. I’m really at full speed at the moment. I find myself doing stand-up better these days because I’m making more music. And I think I’m better at music than I was back then because standing on stage makes me feel more comfortable. One helps the other enormously for me.”

THE Morgan Jam – Halloween Special takes place on Tuesday at 9 p.m. at Club Soda. For information: Clubsoda.ca.