Love horoscopes bring luck for 3 zodiac signs in November

Love horoscopes bring luck for 3 zodiac signs in November 2023

November brings luck in love if you are one of the three zodiac signs mentioned here today. We must remember what will happen in the cosmos in November 2023.

The first and most noteworthy point is that most of this month is spent under the Scorpio Sun and Scorpio is associated with love, passion, power and spirituality. If we want love in Scorpio season, we have to be as strong as possible because we will be tested.

Towards the end of the month, Sagittarius season kicks in to smooth out some of our controlling emotions, and all that ends up doing is building a romantic connection and letting us figure out whether this is a good relationship or a bad one. Sagittarius energy helps us find meaning in everything we deal with in Scorpio season… and that will be helpful.

There will be a lot of Mars energy to work with rather than fight against in the second half of November. We plan a lot of “kiss and make-up” sessions, if you know what I mean. For couples who enjoy sparring, November will provide good training in the dojo.

Luckily, we have Venus in Libra, which lets us know that we come from a place of love and can trust that our partners feel the same way. The Full Moon in Sagittarius on the 27th will let us know if we’ve made it. I think we’ve done it and these three zodiac signs will be able to tell us what it’s all about. Take it away, star sign…

Love horoscopes bring the most luck for three zodiac signs in November 2023:

1. Taurus

(April 20 – May 20)

You and your partner have crossed a line together and now that it is November 2023, you feel so safe and trusting with this person that you know you will transition smoothly into the next year together. You haven’t always been such a trusting person, but your gut tells you to go along with it, and on November 23, you trust your gut. Maybe you both have stumbled upon the spiritual side of your relationship.

You feel like you’ve moved on, and while love and passion are firmly established, you have such good feelings for the person you’re with now that you literally can’t say anything to them and they’ll completely understand you. It’s like you can now read each other’s minds. Nobody gets on your nerves anymore… and it shows. It’s as if you’ve entered an even better relationship phase.

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2. Leo

(July 23rd – August 22nd)

You like Scorpio energy because it seems to mimic what you feel when you get intense, and you will channel a lot of that intensity into the love you feel for the person you are with, Leo . When Sagittarius is at the door, you can combine all that passion with reason. This means that the romantic relationship you are currently in makes sense to you and you can view it as something lasting.

You don’t want to waste your time and you know that you feel very connected to the person you are with… You don’t want to experience disappointment and feel or cause heartbreak. The good thing is that you feel safe with the person you are with now for the first time in a long time. You love them very much and feel like they are the right person to start next year with by your side.

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3. Virgo

(August 23 – September 22)

You have arrived at a very special place where the person you are with has finally become the person you accept. While this may seem like a given, it hasn’t always been this way for you, but as November gets stronger, you too have some very strong feelings and, most importantly, you deeply desire to simply make sense of your own life.

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You have someone who loves you and will never stray from that. Are they perfect? No, but is it you? In November 2023, acceptance will overcome you, which is the key to your happiness.

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, tarot, runes and astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.