The influx of foreigners is lower in Vorarlberg Vorarlberg

The influx of foreigners is lower in Vorarlberg Vorarlberg


The year 2022 brought a spike in foreign immigration into Austria. However, the increase was comparatively lower in Vorarlberg. This emerges from the annual statistics of the Integration Fund. More than 92,000 foreign-born people live in Vorarlberg, the majority coming from Germany and Turkey.

10/28/2023 12/16

Online since today, 12:16 pm

In Vorarlberg, the number of people who were born abroad and moved to Austria increased the least compared to other federal states. According to the Integration Fund, there was an increase of 1.9 percentage points. The district with the highest proportion of foreigners is Dornbirn, where more than 20 percent do not come from Austria. The main municipalities are Mittelberg and Bregenz. As the integration study shows, foreigners’ income has increased significantly and is around 27,000 euros net per year.

Largest immigrant group in Ukraine

Last year, almost 10,000 people from abroad moved to Vorarlberg. At the same time, 6,600 people left the country, as calculated by the Integration Fund. This means that the end result is that around 3,400 people who were not born in Austria were added. Almost half of all immigrants came from EU member states, and slightly fewer came from third countries such as Turkey. Ukrainian citizens made up the largest group of immigrants last year, with a total of almost 2,500.

Unemployment rate among foreigners falls

According to the Integration Fund survey, the unemployment rate of foreigners living in Vorarlberg was significantly lower than the overall unemployment rate in Austria. In 2022, unemployment among residents and foreigners in Austria was 9.1 percent, while the unemployment rate among foreigners in Vorarlberg was just 6.5 percent.

According to the study, the career prospects of foreigners could be improved. The foundations for this are laid at school. The problem is often knowledge of German: the integration study shows that almost 27 percent do not have German as their first language. As school progresses, it becomes clear that these children rarely end up in secondary school, but rather in a polytechnic or secondary school.