The glass bridge collapses and tourists fall into the void

The glass bridge collapses and tourists fall into the void: the video of the tragedy

One dead and three injured are the victims of the terrible accident that occurred in one of the main tourist attractions of Banyumas Natural Park in the central part of Java island Indonesia: It is about 10 a.m. last Wednesday, October 25, when a group of tourists from Cilacap cross the Jeong, an impressive glass bridge supported by huge golden arms that hovers over the beautiful pine forest of Limpakuwus.

Suddenly, as visitors passed by, the Glass It gives way, causing two of them to fall into the void: two other tourists manage to cling to the structure and avoid landing under it, and thanks to the brave intervention of some people present, they are hoisted back onto the bridge. One of the tourists, who could not escape the crash, fell to the ground after a flight of about ten meters and died from his serious injuries. The second man fared better, saving his life and miraculously suffering only minor injuries.

The police confiscated it Bridge to implement the results and initiate in-depth investigations with the aim of clarifying the causes of the tragedy and identifying those who may be responsible. As the local press reported, the tourist attraction has apparently been the focus of media attention on several occasions, precisely because many had expressed doubts about the lack of security measures.

Not only. Ekop Purnomo, president of the Limpakuwus Pine Forest cooperative, had urgently contacted the manager of the cooperative The Jeong Already in April last year, shortly after the inauguration of the bridge, an investigation was carried out to assess the safety level. A more than justified request, since the cooperative itself had received numerous complaints from visitors who had noted some problems with the structure, which raised doubts about the safety of those who had tried to cross the bridge with glass panels: According to Ekop Purnomo, As many as 5% of the attraction’s visitors had complained online after the less than pleasant experience.

The president of the cooperative that manages the park stated that The Jeong’s manager did not even attend this meeting, which was called with the aim of reviewing safety standards, preferring to send one of his subordinates. The investigation continues and Purnomo has agreed to close access to the park to cooperate with authorities.