Mustafa Suleyman AI security must be a top priority worldwide

Mustafa Suleyman: “AI security must be a top priority worldwide” – Le Figaro

By Chloe Woitier

Published 1 minute ago, updated 1 minute ago

“It is up to the critics of AI to build this technology,” advocates Mustafa Suleyman. Chris Wilson

INTERVIEW – According to the co-founder of artificial intelligence research lab Deepmind (acquired by Google), regulation will not be enough to contain the looming wave of AI.

How can we mitigate the impact of a wave that is about to sweep away everything in its path? We must begin to face it and accept its destructive potential, argues entrepreneur Mustafa Suleyman in his book La Déferlante (Fayard). This coming wave is that of artificial intelligence (AI). The Brit knows his stuff. In 2010, he co-founded Deepmind, one of the largest fundamental research companies in AI, which was bought by Google for £400 million in 2014. Deepmind’s achievement, little known to the general public, was the development of AlphaGo in 2015, the first AI to manage to beat human champions in the game of Go.

At 39, Mustafa Suleyman is now at the helm of the start-up Inflection AI, which raised $1.3 billion this summer. In his essay published in France on October 25, he compares the rise of AI to a technological revolution such as that humanity has already experienced with the wave of printing, industrialization…

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