Hamas attacks Netanyahu apologizes after tweet criticizing security apparatus

Hamas attacks: Netanyahu apologizes after tweet criticizing security apparatus

After Benjamin Netanyahu criticized security officials for underestimating the risks of a major Hamas attack, he apologized and said he “fully supported” them.

Resign. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu criticized in a message on Sunday, October 29th

“Under no circumstances was the Prime Minister made aware of Hamas’ warlike intentions,” Benjamin Netanyahu wrote on X.

“All security officials, including the head of military intelligence and the head of internal security, believed that Hamas was afraid to act and sought an agreement. This is the assessment that has been presented to the Prime Minister and the Cabinet on several occasions by all security officials and the intelligence services. Until the moment the war broke out,” the head of government continued.

“I was wrong”

The tweet, posted in the middle of the night after a press conference by Benjamin Netanyahu, was removed in the morning and no longer appears on X. It was replaced with an apology tweet a few minutes later.

“I was wrong. What I said after the press conference should not have been said and I apologize for it. I fully support all security officials. I support the Chief of Staff, commanders and soldiers of the IDF (Israeli Army). who are on the front lines fighting for our homeland. “Together we will win,” writes the Prime Minister.

During his press conference with Defense Minister Yoav Gallant and Benny Gantz, a member of the limited war cabinet, the head of government admitted “a terrible failure.”

“There was a terrible failure here and it will be investigated to the end. I promise that no stone will be left unturned,” he said before posting his tweet incriminating military officials.

He added: “Right now my mission is to save the country and lead the soldiers to complete victory over Hamas and the forces of evil.”

Netanyahu in political danger?

Many political analysts in Israel believe that the remainder of Benjamin Netanyahu’s political career is in serious jeopardy because of his failure to ensure the protection of his people, one of his election slogans.

The ax could fall on the Likud leader (right), who holds the record in Israel for his long tenure as prime minister, if an independent investigative commission finds his responsibility for negligence before the Oct. 7 killing that leaves even more lives in its wake According to local authorities, there were more than 1,400 dead, mostly civilians.

Benjamin Netanyahu’s message and his retraction were widely commented on by Israel’s political class and media on Sunday.

“The attempt to evade responsibility and blame the security apparatus weakens the IDF in the fight against Israel’s enemies,” opposition leader Yair Lapid responded.

And even Hamas responded. This episode “fuels infighting and once again reveals the extent of fatigue and confusion within its government,” Ezzat Al-Risheq, a member of Hamas’ political bureau, said in a statement released by the movement.

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