Common Front calls Quebecs offer ridiculous

Common Front calls Quebec’s offer ‘ridiculous’

The Common Front, which brings together more than 420,000 union members from four union organizations, called Treasury President Sonia Lebel’s offer “ridiculous” on Sunday.

The Legault government is proposing a salary increase of almost 15% over five years. However, FTQ president Magali Picard pointed out that Quebec’s proposed increase includes various bonuses.

“We started with an offer of 9% from five to 10.3%,” she stressed, specifying that the details of the offer include bonuses and other offers related to future recruitment.

The president of the CSQ, Éric Gingras, emphasizes that this offer is unacceptable because it does not correspond to the expected inflation. “It’s not just the salary side [qui rend mécontent]but also the lack of consideration for the work of the employees [qui œuvrent dans le système]”, he added.

“With an announcement like the one made this morning, I can guarantee you that the frustration will only increase,” Ms. Picard confirmed.

Given this offer, the unions therefore expect to go on strike on November 6th.

“The goal is not to strike. “The goal is to have a good collective agreement for the 420,000 members we represent,” François Enault, first vice-president of the CSN, said in an interview in Quebec on Sunday morning.