What are the most common dreams TVA News

What are the most common dreams? – TVA News

A British research project conducted last July revealed which dreams are most frequently searched for on the Google search engine worldwide.

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In the vast majority of countries, dreaming about snakes would be the most common, in 52 out of 147 countries, reported the organization Morning Life, which researches data.

“Dreams about snakes are particularly popular in Eastern Europe and parts of Asia and Africa,” it says.

The second most searched dream on Google was losing teeth. This is the most popular dream in several countries in North America and Europe.

In Canada it is the most desired dream.

The project also specifically looked at the dreams most searched for on Google by Brits compared to dreams in the US. Although similarities are to be expected, there are surprising differences.

In the UK, dreaming about losing teeth was the most searched dream on Google, with over 41,000 searches. Snakes were next with 3,500 searches and hair loss was third with 2,300.

Dreams involving flies came in fourth place, sex in fifth place, an ex-partner in sixth place, fire in seventh place, giving birth in eighth place, a wedding dress in ninth place, and spiders or pregnancy in tenth place.

In the USA too, the dream of losing teeth was the most searched dream on Google with 81,000 searches. In second place were queues with 19,400 searches, and in third place was an ex-partner with 17,000.

Dreams with spiders came in fourth place, vacation in fifth place, being hunted in sixth place, marriage in seventh place, flying in eighth place, sex in ninth place, and bears in tenth place.

According to some dream analysis websites, dreams about teeth falling out could “signify a lack of self-confidence or embarrassment about your mistakes.”

Snakes or snake bites in a dream may represent “hidden fears or worries.” Dreams about an ex-partner could indicate that “someone in your current life is expressing some of the same feelings that you experienced during this relationship.”

And pregnancy dreams could “symbolize an aspect of you that is growing or developing,” according to the website.

Nature, culture, art, media and events can influence our dreams.

However, eating habits could also explain why dreams are more popular than others depending on the culture, namely food.

The full study can be found here: The most common dream in every country – morning life