In the last episode of Big Brother, an unexpected event surprised many viewers of the reality show. During the nomination phase, as reported by Fanpage, Alex Schwazer has stated that he intends to leave the house immediately if the authors do not manage to show the much-discussed video in the next few days that underlines the interest in it Beatrice Luzzi would have towards him.
Alex Schwazer leaves Big Brother? The outbreak
The case exploded in the previous case Episode of Big Brotherduring a comparison between Alex Schwazer and Beatrice Luzzi. The athlete had expressed his point of view and explained very clearly that the actress had been too ambiguous towards him, which led to a nomination against him. Luzzi, for her part, had categorically denied all allegations, but as the nomination progressed the situation became even more complicated: Schwazer had asked for it can see the video where the ambiguous attitude that Luzzi had taken towards him was shown. Otherwise he would have left the house.
And so it was: In the same episode on October 26th, Alex Schwazer he has made his choice, embarrassing the reality show’s writers. In an almost imperious outburst, the athlete set non-negotiable terms and otherwise demanded immediate viewing of the film in question would have aborted the program. A choice that surprised all the guests of the Big Brother House.
Alex Schwazer (ANSA photo)
The mystery surrounding Beatrice Luzzi’s alleged statements
If not, the video proving it will be shown Beatrice Luzzi tells him what he said and confirms leaves the Big Brother house: That’s what he said Alex Schwazer with strong determination. He then explains that he trains here for long hours and can’t afford to be told that he’s making something up. So he doesn’t call himself a liar.
After this ultimatum Alfonso Signorini He noted that the veracity of his statements had not been questioned and tried to contain the situation. However, Schwazer’s demeanor was commanding and did so reiterated his point of view those who feel disrespected and not taken seriously. He explains that he cannot afford to remain in the House of Representatives if he is then perceived as someone who invents. So if the video doesn’t show up, he will leave the game.
Thenceforth, The debate is becoming increasingly heated, with mixed opinions on the reasons for Schwazer’s request. Although the video never surfaced, the protester ultimately decided to remain in the House. Despite the lack of concrete evidence, the authors persuaded him to wait new developmentsand thus avoided the early end of his stay in the Big Brother House.