As soon as you hear this unusual sound signal quickly

As soon as you hear this unusual sound signal, quickly stop it at home – Women’s Journal

If we are used to hearing sirens wailing all over France every first Wednesday of the month, it also sometimes happens that an exceptional sound signal is triggered. If it takes 3 minutes, time is serious and here’s what to do.

As France experiences severe weather events, with Storm Ciaran currently approaching the Brittany coast, the country is expected to remain on alert for several days. It is possible that Millions of French people then hear a three-minute audio signal, broadcast in several episodes. A sound exceptionally triggered by the authorities in cases of force majeure. And Here’s what you need to know to respond optimally.

What is this 3 minute beep and what is it for?

France implemented this in 2012 National warning signal, a system for warning of a hazard that requires mitigation, such as a toxic cloud, a nuclear accident, a storm, or an attack. It manifests itself through a modulated tone, i.e. rising and falling, emitted for 3 minutes per 60 second sequence with a 5 second break between each sequence. And it is broadcast through loudspeakers installed in many municipalities in France.

In addition, you will hear this siren every first Wednesday of the month at 12:00 as the sirens across France are tested every month.

What to do if you hear the national alarm signal?

Of course, if you hear the national alarm signal outside of these monthly tests, you must first move to the safety of a building, away from windows. If you are at home, the safety advice is to immediately turn off the gas, air conditioning, electricity or even the ventilation.

And if your children are at school when the alarm goes off, don’t look for them. They are supported by their educational institutions, which have also received very specific instructions.

Then stay up to date with the latest information via local radio stations or your smartphone. Also, To avoid overloading telephone lines, only make calls in life-threatening emergencies.

When to leave the house? If you listen a new siren that manifests itself through a continuous tone lasting 30 secondsthe warning is lifted and you can leave your home.