Washington confirms prisoner swap with Iran

Airport stormed: Washington calls Moscow’s allegations “absurd”

The United States on Monday deemed “absurd” Russia’s accusations that Ukraine played a “key role” in anti-Israel riots the day before at an airport in the predominantly Russian-Caucasian republic of Dagestan. Muslim.

• Also read: Moscow blames Kiev after anti-Israel group attacks airport

“I have seen your comments blaming Ukraine and they are absurd… We believe they should instead hold those responsible accountable,” State Department spokesman Matthew Miller told reporters.

“We call on the Russian authorities to publicly condemn these violent demonstrations and ensure the safety of Israelis and Jews in Russia,” the American diplomatic spokesman added.

A crowd stormed the tarmac and airport terminal of Dagestan’s capital, Makhachkala, on Sunday evening amid global tensions over the conflict between Israel and Hamas.

These clashes were “the result of a planned and externally driven provocation” in which Kiev played a “key and direct” role, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said in a statement.

The aim of the operation was to “undermine” relations between Russia’s various religious communities, she added.