Men and women Chias opinion on the episode from 103023

Men and women: Chia’s opinion on the episode from 10/30/23

My goodness, how embarrassed I felt watching today men and women. How incredibly embarrassing. Just the episodes jewelcentric had managed to convey so much to me over the last few years (obviously for different reasons).

See Manuela Carriero All the way begging for attention from a boy who has made it CLEARLY clear to her that he feels no incentive to continue getting to know her, and also from this other one who is afraid of the thought of being alone and therefore being her choice to be able to (which wouldn’t happen, we know, but in case of doubt…) – He escaped before, that really hurt me EXTREMELY. But how do you get to this point? How is it possible to have so little self-respect to reduce yourself to such an extent, and from a global perspective? I really suck, I swear.

May the words be believed Michele Longobardi He’s been thinking about insisting on these levels, or not, for a few weeks now – and continues to tell him: “I’m interested in it, I’ve always said so from the beginning.” It doesn’t seem normal to me for someone to ask me can be judged externally in two ways. Give yourself time!” – It was THE WRONGEST thing you could have done.

Because if he says, “You think you should reach out, but in reality I’m already getting to know you by talking to you, moving around, and behaving a certain way toward myself and others.” I may not know you that way well, but I know you enough to have some concerns. Maybe it was me wanting a side of character that isn’t there in you. And if I don’t find stimulation, it’s difficult for me… As long as our acquaintance was on the surface, I was satisfied with the game, the joke, the laughter, I was satisfied with your physical appearance. As I looked deeper, I noticed both in your attitude in the studio and towards others that I was lacking motivation to continue. We also don’t understand each other communicatively. It’s not that you’re wrong, but maybe you’re not for me!” Do you think he’s telling the truth? What do you insist on?

But if you don’t believe him because you think: “You deceived me from the beginning!” You can’t write to me, we’re not compatible after going out twice, it’s ridiculous to write something like that! Yours seem like excuses, I don’t know if you realize that. To me it seems like an excuse to leave because he doesn’t like me…” But the biggest reason of all… what are you insisting on?

No matter how you look at it, the only smart thing to do in this situation was to get out immediately, period. It could be unpleasant, of course, but it was necessary to show off a little pride (which, although sometimes it causes harm. But not in this case, well…) and try to come out of it with broken bones. Yes, but at least with your head held high.

And instead Manuela She really made us humble ourselves all the way to the end (without ever understanding that “having character” is NOT the same as randomly fooling around, but simply showing a bit of energy and personality at the right opportunities. And that she has always shown the exact opposite in EVERY MOVE, including eliminating Lombards came out of the studio after half an hour of insistence and gave up as soon as he was in front of him again…) insisting because “I want to make it clear to them that they never knew me”.

But, little star, wasn’t it clear enough that one of them didn’t like what little he knew about you at all, and that the other didn’t mind knowing anything at all? For heaven’s sake, it’s true: “You can’t get to know a person in two external situations”, often one life isn’t enough for that. But it is just as true that THREE SECONDS can be enough to understand that we are completely incompatible with whoever is in front of us. There is no crucial timer for this, it is enough to have diametrically opposed views on aspects that we consider essential, and there is no further knowledge that can change things.

For me, for example, if someone told me “I don’t like animals,” it would be enough to understand that we would never get along. He may be the best person in the world, but I already know we wouldn’t have anything in common. Someone else just has to support another football team, so to speak. It’s at MicheleApparently, seeing you so incredibly submissive and so passive in every situation that you didn’t even go for a ride in the car to add a little sparkle to the trip was enough to make him understand that you weren’t the one for him.

It is up to you to decide “what I can and cannot tolerate in my life,” and it is worthy of recognition that you are “someone who knows how to make money and knows how to overlook certain things.” But the same goes for others, they too have the right to decide “what they will tolerate and what they won’t”, right? Well, if you don’t want to have someone by your side who puts up with so much and overlooks things that he might never overlook, you have to stick with one in particular.

And now, to ease the heaviness that this press has caused us Career It would last two or three episodes Roberta Di Padua who tells us about the “sexual problems” of people over 36 years old Aurora Tropea Who calls it “pathetic”? random, and with Barbara De Santi who considers people’s age to be worthless Anahi.

Video from the episode: Full episode – Barbara and Roberta: “The men we would like to have” – Hermes: “Are you looking for me and avoiding the kiss?” – Barbara: “The man has to know how to dress…” – Donatella and Silvio: the confrontation – Silvio and Donatella: an amicable stop – A lady for Silvio – Outside view of Manuela and Carlo – Outside view of Manuela and Michele – Manuela and the shock communication – Manuela: “Michele, are we incompatible?” How can you say that?” – Adopt a friend: Cid