Cultural activities of the Council of Europe Federal Ministry of

Cultural Platform of the Danube Region Review Federal Ministry of Art, Culture, Public Service and Sport

The cultural platform of the Danube region was implemented from 2017 to 2019 under the leadership of the Ministry of Art and Culture with 8 project partners under the Interreg program “Transnational Danube”. The program is closely linked to the EU Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR), which includes 14 countries – Austria, Germany (Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria), Slovakia, Czech Republic, Slovenia, Croatia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Bosnia – Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, Moldova, Ukraine.

The project focused on the eventful history of the Danube region.

A rich material and immaterial cultural heritage is a visible and invisible testimony of historical evolution. Much of the history of the Danube region is still hidden or forgotten. The aim of the project was to discover hidden cultural heritage sites and remember events. Particular importance was given to new technologies and artistic mediums that help convey historical locations and events in contemporary formats. The project addressed an international audience and pursued a cultural tourism approach with the aim of expanding European cultural routes to the Danube region and finding new strategies to do so. Answers were sought on a wide range of topics: the contemporary interpretation of historical places and events, the experience of culture and the development of new destinations on the Danube. The main objective was to work against forgetfulness and create awareness about cultural diversity and history in the Danube region.

Cultplatform_21 project website

Federal Ministry of Art, Culture, Public Service and Sport
Department IV/10 – European and international cultural policy
Mag Elisabeth Pacher

Telephone: +43 1 71606 851115
[email protected]