ordinary theater

ordinary theater…

If you would like to see an extraordinary play, Parents and friends are cordially invited to this is definitely the right thing for you, even if it comes with its challenges.

Based on the unique novel of the same name by Hervé Bouchard, which won the Grand Prix du livre de Montréal in 2006, this play performed at the Théâtre de Quat’Sous is likely to divide audiences into two camps.

Those who love it will appreciate the imagination, richness and quality of an unclassifiable language. Anyone who doesn’t support it will have difficulty understanding all these long monologues and the characters whose essence remains unclear. In short, some will get carried away by these poetic words without really understanding why they are expressed, while others will be frustrated by this avalanche of words that requires great concentration and results in a vague framework.

Tragic and funny

The death of a father is the basis of this story. His children, his wife and his sisters-in-law therefore express their dismay at this tragic event. The end of an era certainly inspires fear.

Adapted and directed by Christian Lapointe, this film exudes a dark atmosphere contrasted by an absurd humor that will please some.

The use of masks and crazy costumes gives this work a dark touch without being really scary.

The video is also different, with the exception of the audio, which is separate from the images, which makes it difficult to understand given the complexity of this text.

All actors master this dramatic language perfectly. Sylvio Arriola, Lise Castonguay, Tiffany Montambault, Ève Pressault and Gabriel Szabo deliver their monologues with confidence. They also stand out for brilliantly modifying the voices of the different protagonists they play.

This explosive and experimental show immerses us in a painful and torturous universe, but tempered by a crazy absurdity. Far from convention, its originality is undeniable, but for mere mortals it remains tedious.

Parents and friends are cordially invited to this will be performed at the Théâtre de Quat’Sous until November 11th.

Parents and friends are cordially invited to this ★★★1⁄2

Directed by Christian Lapointe

With Sylvio Arriola, Lise Castonguay, Tiffany Montambault, Ève Pressault and Gabriel Szabo.