1698799476 Celine in the CH dressing room in Vegas She looked

Céline in the CH dressing room in Vegas: “She was really good, radiant” – Le Journal de Québec

“I cannot judge her health, but during her time with us she was the Céline we know, full of energy, smiling, funny, friendly, simple, lovely. It was very calming.”

Chantal Machabée experienced a special moment on Monday evening when Céline Dion and her family met the players and staff of the Montreal Canadiens after the game against the Vegas Golden Knights in her first public appearance since announcing her illness.

• Also read: Surprise visit to Vegas: 11 months later, Celine Dion shows up again in the Canadiens’ locker room

Taking advantage of CH’s visit to Las Vegas, a representative of the singer contacted the club and asked if she could visit the locker room with her children and relatives after the game.

“When they arrived I told them that I would get the players to introduce them to them and that they would be really happy to see them. She said: “I don’t want to disturb.” I replied: “No, no, it’s an honor to receive you,” says Chantal Machabée, who published a photo of her meeting with Céline on her Instagram account on Tuesday morning, that went viral.

A conversation with the trainer

For 45 minutes, Céline spoke to everyone and took photos, especially with head coach Martin St-Louis, who expressed all his admiration for her.

Céline in the CH dressing room

Screenshot of the Montreal Canadiens X account

“She looked really good, radiant. She chatted a lot and made a lot of jokes. It was a great evening for Céline. It was great fun. […] We were very touched to see her doing well,” says Chantal Machabée.

The CH players were all amazed to see her in the locker room.

“The faces of the players… says Ms. Machabée. My assistant went to find Samuel Montembeault and Rafael Harvey-Pinard, who were taking a shower, to tell them that Céline was in the dressing room and they didn’t believe him. When they arrived they said, ‘Oh my God!’ They took photos in wetsuits because they didn’t want to miss their chance.”

“Stars in the eyes”

Finally, the entire team got their moment with the star. “Word got around and after they showered they came one by one, Nick and Cole came at the same time, then Gally, Pezzetta. They were all super impressed. There wasn’t anyone who didn’t show up. Everyone had stars in their eyes.”

Céline in the CH dressing room

Screenshot of the Montreal Canadiens X account

According to Chantal Machabée, Céline Dion’s visit was the topic of conversation at lunch on Tuesday before heading to Phoenix, where the Canadian will face the Coyotes on Thursday. “The players came to me and asked me to send them the photos they took with her.”

After all, it’s not every day that a planetary star visits them.