Prohiben en Francia manifestaciones frente al Consejo Constitucional

Electoral body announces results of general elections in Ecuador

Quito, October 31 (Prensa Latina) The National Electoral Council (CNE) of Ecuador announced today the final results of the October 15 elections, in which citizens elected Daniel Noboa as the country’s next president.

According to official data, Noboa received 51.83 percent of the vote, while Citizen Revolution candidate Luisa González received 48.17 percent.

From this moment on, political organizations will be notified and can file legal challenges, the CNE said.

On November 15, the CNE is scheduled to hand over the documents identifying them as winners of the votes to Noboa and his vice-president Verónica Abad.

In this way, they will be ready for the inauguration, a ceremony that is expected to take place on December 1st.

The future tenant of Carondelet Palace is traveling to Spain and will also travel to the United States this week, where he will speak with representatives of investment banks, companies and multilateral organizations.

The main challenges for his short-term term – until May 2025 – include the security crisis, debt, high levels of informal employment and the energy crisis.

The president-elect has already announced the first names of those who will form his cabinet.

Announced: Sonsoles García as Minister of Production and Foreign Trade; Gabriela Sommerfeld, Chancellor; Franklin Palacios, director of agriculture and livestock; Roberto Luque, responsible for transportation and public works; and Iván Carmignani as Presidency Communications Secretary.
