More precious than a diamond by Jean Louis Gaillard – Thought

More precious than a diamond! by Jean-Louis Gaillard – Thought of the day – TopChrétien

More precious than a diamond!

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It (wisdom) is more precious than pearls, it is more valuable than all expensive objects.
Proverbs 3:15

A diamond dealer was packing gemstones to send to India. Each diamond was carefully individually packaged. When he came to the final and most important point, he used the first three chapters of the Gospel of John. Thin paper was suitable for this.

A Hindu, for whom this gem was intended, at the same time received something that will be infinitely more valuable to him than the diamond it was wrapped around… a leaf from the Book of Life in which he found these words: “God has him “He loved the world so much that he gave up his only son (…)”

He was angry. He told many people about his discovery and kept asking himself, “How could I not have known this before?”

This word worked in his heart by the power of the Spirit of God.

“Certainly!” he said to himself, “that means ME… This greeting is for me.”

By faith he accepted it; he told others about it in such detail that a European missionary who came to the place expecting to find only pagans there found a large audience of Indian Christians.

Listen to the voice of God

Would you like to see the power of the word at work? Take the time to listen to God speak to you about this.

Through prayer we simply ask God to do His will. Here is a sample prayer: “Your word is precious and powerful to transform lives. Help me to understand it better, to meditate on it, and to let Your Spirit guide me. I want to see your glory wherever you lead me. In the name of Jesus. Amen.”

Praise God

God has made His Word available to us day and night. Thank him for the privilege of receiving this guide that enlightens and advises us in all the situations we encounter. Thank the Lord for his word, which is more precious than a diamond!

Take action today

If you are so used to hearing the Word of God that you have somewhat forgotten the power it contains, today let it touch your heart and speak to you in a new way. You’ll have even more impact if you share it with those around you.

Honor the Lord

Our journey for this day ends. Let us pray together to honor our God.

“Thank you, Lord, for your precious word. It is a lamp for my feet, it lights my path. To you belong the kingdom, the power and the glory, Amen!”

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