War in Ukraine live the latest information and answers to

War in Ukraine, live: the latest information and answers to your questions

Cover photo: Tank wagon set on fire after shelling in Donetsk, October 31, 2023. STRINGER / Portal

  • Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu says Russia is ready for a “post-conflict settlement of the Ukraine crisis”. “If the necessary conditions are met, we remain ready to hold political discussions on a realistic basis – both about the post-conflict solution to the Ukraine crisis and about the parameters of future coexistence with the West as a whole,” said the Russian Defense Minister during the 10th Xiangshan Forum in Beijing.
  • Russia claims to have shot down eight Ukrainian missiles fired at Crimea. Ukraine had previously said it had “successfully attacked” a Russian air defense system stationed on the peninsula on the night of Sunday to Monday.
  • Russian President Vladimir Putin on Monday accused Ukraine and Western intelligence services of being behind the attack on Dagestan airport. Ukraine has rejected Russia’s allegations that it played a “key role” in Sunday’s anti-Israel unrest at this airport in the predominantly Muslim Russian republic of Dagestan.
  • Seven people were injured in a Russian bomb attack on a taxi shuttle in Kherson on Monday, in southern Ukraine. “There are two men and five women,” and one of the women is “in serious condition,” Oleksandr Prokudin, governor of Kherson Oblast, said on Telegram.
  • F-16 fighter jets destined for Ukraine will arrive in Romania “within two weeks,” says the Dutch prime minister. “I expect that the Patriot missiles will be delivered shortly to help Ukraine in the coming winter. The same goes for the F-16,” he said during a video conference with the Ukrainian presidentVolodymyr Zelensky, which aired on X (formerly Twitter) on Monday.
  • Russian oligarch Alexei Kuzmitchev was taken into police custody and subsequently charged by the French judiciary in a money laundering case. Mr. Kuzmichev, co-partner of the Alfa Group consortium that owns Alfa Bank, is considered by European authorities to be “one of the most influential people in Russia” whose “connections are with the President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin.” Well established.

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Read all our articles, analyzes and reports on the war in Ukraine

Editorial. Europe is facing two wars

Investigation. Russian oligarch Alexei Kuzmitchev has been charged with tax fraud and money laundering in France

Decryption. Moscow is looking for migrants to fill the ranks of the army

Reporting. In the Poltava region of Ukraine, young people from Kiev are training for war: “Here they have the right to make mistakes”

Decryption. The Europeans are torn between the Ukrainian and Israeli fronts

Decryption. Why Ukraine’s counteroffensive is failing

Chronic. After the Israel-Hamas war breaks out, Vladimir Putin “rubs his hands”

Analysis. In Ukraine at war is the virtue of democratic debate

Interview. Sofia Andrukhovych, writer: “In Ukraine, death is now an integral part of daily life”

Interview. Dmitri Mouratov, Russian journalist, Nobel Peace Prize winner: “I am foreign agent number 665”

Decryption. Kiev is surprised by the Russian counterattack at Adviivka

Good leaves. How Emmanuel Macron and Angela Merkel were wrong about Vladimir Putin: Read the excerpts from “The Blind” by Sylvie Kauffmann

Cards. The maps of the war in Ukraine since the Russian invasion began in February 2022