Horoscope today, November 2nd, Branko and Paolo Fox: predictions for all zodiac signs London Today

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Celebrated in many countries, “Day of the Dead” is one of the most famous holidays in some areas such as Mexico, but is also celebrated in Italy. Branko and Paolo Fox’s horoscope regarding this very special day, namely November 2nd, which “falls” today, can be particularly interesting. Here are the predictions.

Horoscope today, November 2nd, Branko: predictions for all zodiac signs

Aries – The time you spend with your partner is appropriate if he has a lot of expectations. Quiet day but with few lightnings in every way for Aries.

Taurus – Mars is a more “worn out” mental form and will contribute to him becoming resentful and even resentful at times, probably too many problems for his head. Sleep more.

Gemini – With Gemini, almost everything seems to be going at a steady pace, but too slow, it’s probably still at the same pace as last month.

Cancer – Better plan in advance for the weekend, it may seem early but the various mental illnesses can change in a short time.

Leo – He may appear alert and “awake” from the outside, but Leo is not in such a stable state mentally. He therefore has to be pragmatic and not take on too many things.

Virgo – The period of the Virgo form is very interesting as it is almost impulsively driven to start doing difficult things and then move on. Better to do the opposite.

Libra – Uranus will influence decisions that should preferably not be final. The profile appears much more insecure than usual.

Scorpio – He must expect an improved physical condition, which is due to a stress rhythm that is not properly stabilized. Rest helps.

Sagittarius – Getting other people to behave better is what the profile does best. Sagittarius also tends to go with the flow a bit, it will be interesting to combine the two things.

Capricorn – Playing the opposite is successful, but everything has its limits: possible accusations are on the horizon, even if they are justified, to say the least.

Aquarius – Aquarius’s dialogue skills will not be outstanding, he will be much better at facts. All concreteness, for a sign that will, however, make you feel a little disconnected.

Pisces – Frequent breaks due to constant distractions at work. He will have to help himself and at least isolate himself a little while working.

Horoscope today, November 2nd, Paolo Fox: predictions for all zodiac signs

Aries – Today’s plans will be different than expected: Paolo Fox strongly advises you to behave mostly instinctively for today.

Taurus – Strong spread of a form of chronic pessimism, unfortunately some things will go exactly as you think. But it would be better to know beforehand.

Gemini – He’s looking for a bit of fun, but also wants to feel responsible. Paradoxically, a person can help him achieve both.

Cancer – Very optimistic, it will also be very important to maintain a similar mood at least until late afternoon. Multiple people can indirectly “reduce” it, so be careful.

Leo – He will have little desire to work, the so-called “Thursday syndrome” occurs, in which Leo is often involved in phases of this kind.

Virgo – hates inconsistencies, even their own, however someone in the profile may actually point out behaviors that can be linked to the sign’s lack of coherence. Escaping will be “cowardly” but sometimes a useful attitude.

Libra – Physical condition needs to be assessed, Saturn will influence mental performance, but it is good to rely on “ground already known” and procedures understood.

Scorpio – It’s not the best time of the week for a Scorpio trying to get out of negative situations. But be careful about underestimating small problems.

Sagittarius – A good time to organize yourself in advance when it comes to household chores. He will be little inclined to do imaginative things, but full of energy.

Capricorn – Capricorn is a bit too pushy at this stage, it will also be difficult to make the sign understand without saying it clearly. Someone will try, someone will be less diplomatic.

Aquarius – Fatigue needs to be taken into account, but stress is not that high. The profile will be able to express disappointment, but with judgment.

Pisces – Profiling along the lines of fish that are in a good conservative phase but tend to bite off more than they can chew. It’s better to proceed slowly.

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