George Santos congressman of Brazilian descent survives vote and remains

George Santos, congressman of Brazilian descent, survives vote and remains in US Congress G1

1 of 1 George Santos, US Congressman of Brazilian origin, on October 27, 2023 Photo: Eduardo Munoz/Portal George Santos, US Congressman of Brazilian origin, on October 27, 2023 Photo: Eduardo Munoz/Portal

Representatives of the US House of Representatives decided this Wednesday (1st) not to revoke the mandate of George Santos, a politician of Brazilian origin. Santos is a member of the Republican Party, which controls the House of Representatives.

To pass, the measure needed twothirds of lawmakers. that corresponds to 290 votes. However, only 24 Republican representatives voted for the exclusion. Of the Democrats, 32 voted against impeachment. The score was as follows:

  • 213 voted against impeachment.
  • 179 voted for the revocation.
  • 19 they abstained.

Despite Santos’ victory this Wednesday, new proposals to revoke his mandate are likely to emerge. The House Ethics Committee is preparing a report on the allegations against the lawmaker to be presented on November 17, and new motions for expulsion could be made.

George Santos made up several stories during his 2020 campaign. Late last month he was formally charged in court with 23 crimes. These allegations include:

  • Money laundering to use campaign funds for personal expenses.
  • I received unemployment insurance money illegally.
  • Taking money from campaign donors’ credit cards without their permission.

Santos claims he is innocent. This is the second criminal case Santos has faced in U.S. courts. In May he was charged with fraud and money laundering. He posted $500,000 bail to avoid arrest pending the completion of the case.

In the chamber, it was Anthony D’Esposito, a party colleague of Santos, who presented a proposal to expel Santos from Congress last Thursday.

“George Santos is unfit to serve his constituents as a U.S. Representative,” D’Esposito said.

5 points about George Santos, the MP who lied and became the target of accusations in the US

Santos is the son of a Brazilian. He was elected from a district that includes parts of New York City and suburbs. The scandals began shortly after his election in November 2022, first with allegations that he had falsified much of his resume and then with criminal charges.