Prototype takes off Russia presents new long haul jet n

Prototype takes off: Russia presents new long haul jet n

Prototype takes off Russia presents new long-haul jet

November 1, 2023, 8:35 pm Listen to the article

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Western sanctions are harming the Russian aviation industry. Now the state-owned Rostech presents a new long-haul aircraft of national production. However, experts doubt the competitiveness of the Il-96-400M.

According to official information, the prototype of the modernized long-haul aircraft Ilyushin Il-96-400M has completed its first test flight in the troubled Russian aviation industry. The Moscow government announced that the Il-96 development has a range of up to 8,100 kilometers and can carry up to 370 passengers.

“The development of such aircraft is a unique competence that helps ensure the country’s technological sovereignty,” said the head of state technology group Rostech, Sergei Chemezov. No information was given on when the Voronezh-designed four-engine jet would be ready for series production.

Russia urgently needs to build its own new planes. Foreign Boeing and Airbus aircraft, which have been mainly used for years, are no longer supplied with spare parts due to the war of aggression against Ukraine – it is one of the most effective Western sanctions.

Although Soviet aircraft manufacturers produced large quantities, Russian developments have had little success since 1992. The SJ-100 short-haul jet is considered technically unreliable and the introduction of the MS-21 medium-haul aircraft is delayed.

Earlier models of the Il-96 were withdrawn from state airline Aeroflot because they were uneconomical. Currently, President Vladimir Putin and the Ministry of Defense mainly use Il-96 aircraft. According to media reports, only 33 machines of the Il-96 series were produced.

Compared to Western passenger aircraft, aviation experts see the Il-96-400M at a disadvantage. While the Airbus A350 and the Boeing 787 are content with two engines, the Russian aircraft requires four, which results in greater fuel consumption and more expensive production.