The cause of the conflict in Palestine is Israels illegal

China takes control of Security Council, prioritizes solution to war in Gaza

Ambassador Zhang Jun argued that the UN Security Council has both a moral and legal obligation to pass a meaningful resolution

Zhang Jun, China’s permanent representative to the United Nations

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247 China will make the IsraelPalestine issue the main focus of its chairmanship of the United Nations Security Council this month, Zhang Jun, China’s permanent representative to the United Nations, said on Wednesday. China took over the rotating chairmanship of the Security Council in November after Brazil took over the chairmanship of the Security Council in October.

“The top priority for our presidency and also for the entire Security Council at this time is to address the IsraelPalestine issue, namely the Gaza conflict that is taking place in the Middle East,” Zhang Jun said during a UN news conference, according to the agency Sputnik.

Jun stressed the importance of closely monitoring and preventing the spillover of tensions and instability to neighboring countries and regions. He also stressed that the initial focus must be on maintaining control of the situation in Gaza.

“That’s why we have [China] “We called for an immediate ceasefire, and in my statement to the Security Council, I made the ceasefire the top priority of all our efforts inside and outside the Security Council,” Jun said.

Jun also argued that the UN Security Council has both a moral and legal obligation to adopt a meaningful solution to the IsraelGaza conflict.


“That is also a question that I ask my colleagues on the board. You know, it’s our general belief among board members that we need to take action, and it’s not just our moral duty. It is our legal duty. That’s why we’re here,” he said.

During the Brazilian presidency, four projects to resolve conflicts in the Middle East were rejected by the Security Council: from Brazil, the USA and two from Russia.

Brazilian Chancellor Mauro Vieira said in New York that Brazil and other member countries were continuing to try to finalize a document to be reanalyzed.

MODIFICATION China also stresses the need for comprehensive reforms and stresses that simply admitting new council members would not solve the United Nations’ challenges, Zhang Jun said.

The ambassador cited the Security Council as a clear example and cited the unbalanced composition of the UN Security Council as the basic problem.

“You can’t solve problems by just adding a few members; “There is a need for comprehensive reform, especially to allow more countries in the developing world to be represented on the Security Council to have an equal say,” Zhang Jun said during the conference press conference.