The number 2 of Chavismo accuses the United States of violating the agreements with Venezuela

(EFE).- The deputy Diosdado Cabello, considered the number two of Chavismo, accused this Wednesday the United States of violating the agreements signed with the government of Venezuela, referring to what happened in October between the Executive and the opposition Democratic Unity Platform (PUD) was signed in Barbados.

“They have not fulfilled anything, those who are violating the agreement are the gringos (…) who are interfering in Venezuela’s internal affairs,” the official said during his weekly television program broadcast on state channel VTV.

Without elaborating, he insisted that the United States had not complied with the agreement, although it was not known in detail what had been agreed with Washington, since the document signed in Barbados only contained commitments between the government of Nicolás Maduro and the anti-Chavista coalition.

In response, Venezuela released five people considered political prisoners, after which no more gestures were heard from anywhere.

“The United States government has so far done nothing, absolutely nothing, of what it promised, because the licenses it gave to Exxon are licenses for these companies, not for us, which have nothing to do with us. “, with the government, with the people of Venezuela,” he affirmed.

A day after the signing of the agreement in Bridgetown, the US announced the temporary lifting of some sanctions against Venezuela, including those against the oil and gas sector and those against the Venezuelan state gold mining company Minerven.

In response, Venezuela released five people who were considered political prisoners. After that, there were no further gestures from either side and instead tensions increased with mutual accusations of non-compliance with agreements.

The Chavista government and the PUD agreed on a path to hold presidential elections in 2024 with guarantees, which, according to the ruling party, essentially means the end of sanctions and the lifting of political disqualifications for the opposition, two aspects that have so far been missing are.


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