quotThey will come back in the black bagsquot The worrying

"They will come back in the black bags". The worrying threat to Israel from Hamas

The terrorism with weapons and with words. Hamas He uses propaganda to strike, using the same violence he unleashes in his fire attacks. Not a day goes by without the leaders of the terrorist organization threatening Israel and its supporters with death with ever greater ruthlessness. “Gaza will be the curse of history for Israel,” the spokesman for Hamas’s military wing said in the final hours. Abu Obeida, in an audio message. A real anathema, then sealed by a macabre promise: the Israeli soldiers – he said – “will return to the.” black bags“.

The brute force of October 7th was not enough. The bloodthirsty terrorists intend to do it again, in the face of those who want Israel to abandon its defensive measures in the name of a ceasefire, which is actually a long way off at the moment. In the last few hours, one of the leading representatives of Hamas had also reiterated the same death wishes, Ghazi Hamad. In a speech on Lebanese television LBC, the representative of the Islamist paramilitary movement expressed his intention to repeat this terrorist actions from October 7th. “The we will repeat it again and again. We taught Israel a lesson once, and we will teach it a second time, and then a third and a fourth time,” he said, confirming to the journalist his desire to destroy Israel.

“Yes, of course. Israel’s existence is illogical: it causes all the pain, blood and tears. We are just the victims of the occupation. That’s why no one should blame us for what we do. October 7th, October 10th 1 Million October: This is it everything justifiedHamad exclaimed. A similar delirium had been expressed in recent days by Hamas leader Isamil Haniyeh, who had defined the blood sacrifice of Palestinian women and children as necessary. “We are the ones who need this blood, so that it awakens in us the revolutionary spirit, the determination, the spirit of challenge and drives us to move forward,” he said.

The same fundamentalist madness can be found in messages delivered by Haniyeh himself in an online speech to a large gathering in the southern city of Karachi, Pakistan, in which he appealed to the Muslim Ummah (the international Islamic community). “We are ready to sacrifice everything to protect Al-Aqsa Mosque,” ​​said the head of Hamas’ political bureau. And again: “Currently our mothers, sisters and children are facing martyrdom. All enemies of Islam have united against us. However, we are resolute in ours.” constant struggle for freedom, independence and the protection of Al-Aqsa Mosque.” Haniyeh then added: “We are ready to make all necessary sacrifices.”