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YouTube wants to restrict young people from watching videos about body ideals

YouTube said on Thursday it would limit “repeated recommendations” of videos that could harm the mental health of young people, as digital platforms’ methods of luring young people come into the crosshairs of authorities.

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Videos “that compare physical characteristics and idealize some over others, that idealize certain fitness levels or body weights” will no longer be repeatedly suggested to teenagers, first in the United States, then next year in other countries, according to a press release from the Google service .

“Teens are more likely than adults to develop a negative self-image if they see repeated messages about ideal standards in the content they consume online,” said James Beser, one of the platform’s leaders.

Last week, more than forty states filed lawsuits against Meta, accusing its Facebook and Instagram apps of harming the “mental and physical health of young people.”

According to state attorneys general, the social media giant attracts and retains the attention of young people with addictive features (such as short videos to scroll without seeing time pass), despite knowing that the content and prolonged use These apps cause “significant damage”. to their health.

Similar allegations have been made against TikTok, which has been banned by many organizations and the state of Montana for geopolitical reasons but has also been linked to child protection.

According to the Pew Research Center, up to 95% of young Americans ages 13 to 17 say they use a social network, with a third of them using it “almost constantly.”

Last May, Vivek Murthy, the Surgeon General of the United States, warned of the “extremely harmful effects” that social networks can have and believed that they had played a major role in the “national mental health crisis of young girls.” are more vulnerable to cyber harassment or eating disorders.

YouTube also recalled existing measures to protect young people, such as removing content that incites hatred, harassment or eating disorders.

The platform also plans to provide more frequent reminders to internet users under 18 to take breaks or go to bed.