"Big Brother": Alex, Giampiero Mughini, Giuseppe, Giselda and Angelica in televoting

Nov 02, 202321:06

The columnist voted en masse for a tasteless joke about his girlfriend Angelica

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New appointment with “Big Brother“, the Canale 5 reality show hosted by Alfonso Signorini. The sixteenth episode was full of surprises and strong emotions. Beatrice was once again at the center of discussions, due to the conflict with Mughini, who had not forgiven her for the nomination of Alex, and with Giuseppe , with which a reconciliation becomes increasingly distant. Giampiero is finally accused of a bad joke towards Angelica. Thanks to their immunity, Beatrice and Grecia avoid the televoting, which instead goes to Alex, Giampiero, Giuseppe, Giselda and Angelica.

The surprises Ciro Petrone will receive a long-awaited surprise: his girlfriend Federica will arrive at the house to hug the actor and remember the love that has driven them both for over 12 years. But the surprises don’t end there, Rosy Chin and Giselda Torresan have reserved a sweet gift for each of them.

Fiordaliso drops the masks In the house, Halloween brought a lot of joy but also thrills, especially for Rosy Chin, who was the most scared of everyone. However, in recent days it has been Fiordaliso who has been terrorizing everyone. After Valentina’s departure, she actually let many competitors drop their masks, especially the younger ones like Letizia, Mirko and Angelica: “I can’t take it anymore, stay at home if you don’t let yourself go.” A criticism that also the Host, who can no longer bear the tears and wailing, shares: “I don’t see any enthusiasm anymore, move on.”

Beatrice and Giuseppe, two ex-partners in a dispute The story between Beatrice Luzzi and Giuseppe Garibaldi ended in the worst way, between insults and hidden threats. He was threatened with elimination and wrote her a letter full of compliments. Unexpectedly, Massimiliano Varrese has sided with his historical enemy, but believes that Giuseppe sins out of superficiality rather than malice. Despite attempts at a truce, the two are at odds and Beatrice hopes that her ex will leave the house soon.

A sweet surprise for Ciro At Casa Ciro he really appreciates the vacation of his girlfriend Federica, who has been by his side for 12 years. After tracing their love through ups and downs, he confesses that he wants to move in together soon. Surprisingly, Federica comes in to encourage him and remind him of her goal. For Garibaldi, however, he receives a fair reprimand for his lack of transparency towards Beatrice. “I miss her, but I don’t want to force anything, even if I see the same thing in her eyes,” admits the Calabrian.

Alex’s nomination Giampiero Mughini was very surprised by Schwazer’s nomination, but Beatrice harshly reminded him that he was a competitor and for that reason had to play like everyone else. In the past, the athlete accused Luzzi of attacking him, which infuriated the actress, who firmly denied everything and nominated him for this reason.

Jill Cooper: “Life is a breath” Jill Cooper had a bit of a breakdown as she reflected on age: “Time flies, I always want to be the young and fresh princess. Growing old is an art, but I don’t have to like it.” A speech that is particularly close to Fiordaliso’s heart and which is always occupied by the same thoughts: “I take off my makeup and see my mother again.”

Alex during televoting The public voted the least of the public and is sent to televoting for this reason. Meanwhile, a strange couple has formed in the house, Mirko and Giselda. The modern version of Romeo and Juliet has the house sighing, but their love is impossible because he loves the sea. Luckily for her, there is a video of her idol Mauro Corona, who gives her his book so she can get to know him a little better.

Varrese’s guilt Massimiliano Varrese looks back on his career, starting with the sudden success when he was 20 years old with Raffaella Carrà. Then came fiction, but immediately after his uncle’s murder his life changed. “I asked him to work for me instead of at the nightclub, but I didn’t stick to the premise and a few months later they killed him. The feeling of guilt made me want to destroy everything, but today I want to give dreams to young people,” he said.

Mughini’s “bad jokes”. Giampiero Mughini pointed out to Angelica that she dances well, but there is a particular movement that makes her vulgar. However, the advice was not well received by the other tenants. A second episode on Halloween night left her feeling very guilty. “He said harsh words to me. I don’t think I’m evil or vulgar,” the girl admits. “Bad jokes are bad jokes, I can’t believe we were let down. I love her,” the commenter replies.

The playboy Mirko In front of the house, Mirko left a story in limbo. The (almost) ex Greta said on social media that she was disgusted by the boy’s words, only to take everything back and write that she was waiting for him. However, Signorini reminds him that he entered the reality show alone.

Immune and named Fiordaliso, Anita and Paolo gain immunity thanks to the public, who are joined by Beatrice and Grecia at the behest of Cesara Buonamici. Giampiero Mughini (for the bad joke about Angelica), Giuseppe, Giselda and Angelica go to the televoting together with Alex.





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