Maribel Guardia shared on her social networks a video celebrating the Day of the Dead, referred to as Catrina with her grandson José Julián, whom she held by the hand. The 6-year-old was also dressed as Catrín.
Héctor González, the artist who did the actress’s makeup, shared the video on his Facebook account, a publication claimed by Imelda Tuñón, mother of Imelda Garza-Tuñón, wife of the late Julián Figueroa .
Said the widow’s mother disagree that Maribelmarked by death, took her grandson by the hand and even told him to “reunite with his little son.”
” Let go of my fat man’s hand, go alone, beautiful…Let the comrade go alone…To the afterlife or wherever she wants, to reunite with his young sonbut José Julián is not taken,” he wrote on October 31st.
“Let her go alone to reach her son…” José Julián is not Julián… She is very obsessed with Juliánmy son-in-law… The worst thing is that she sees my grandson as her son.”
Tuñón warned against confronting Maribel next time: “I will tell her in person next week. You already know me,” he said.
Imelda Tuñón attacks Maribel Guardia.
Photo credit: Imelda Tuñón/Facebook
They confirm that Maribel Guardia’s mother-in-law attacked her
Journalist Addis Tuñón, Imelda Tuñón’s cousin, confirmed and regretted her relatives’ comments. Although she insisted she wasn’t trying to justify it, she explained what happened.
” I regret the statement, the publication of “Ime” Mama (…) Really I have no way of justifying such a sensitive statement. That’s what Imelda Tuñón did,” she said on the afternoon of November 2nd in the program “De Primera Mano,” in which she is one of the main presenters.
“Imelda Tuñón sees Maribel Guardia pretending to be Catrina with her grandson. Imelda is very impressive sees Death posing with his grandson And she responds, struck by the bad, she makes this sleazy mistake,” he said.
“He is impressionable and when he sees that he has one unfortunate moment that will unfortunately be published. In her statement she says: “I see death, I don’t want my grandson to go there, that public figure exposes himself and looks as beautiful as Maribel Guardia, I don’t want my grandson to be part of it.”, added the journalist.
” I’m not defending anyone, I’m explaining“I’m not even justifying it,” he repeated.
Maribel Guardia’s mother-in-law suffers from the death of Julián Figueroa
According to Addis Tuñón, her cousin is also very affected by the singer’s sudden death.
“Imelda Tuñón is he also had to live with the loss of his son-in-law at the same timewhom he loved very much and who privately told us, the family, a lot about the relationship between son-in-law and mother-in-law.
He also said that Imelda Garza-Tuñón’s family did not agree with little José Julián being publicly exposed.
“As far as I understand The family doesn’t want to make José Julián so public“But the truth is I’m not there to make sure of it,” he explained on the show.