This rival country France will produce thousands of humanoids from

This rival country France will produce thousands of humanoids from 2025 –

China announces its ambitions: to start mass production of humanoid robots from 2025 and then to become the world leader in this sector in 2027. The Asian superpower believes this technology will be the next industrial revolution…

At the end of 2022, Tesla debuted the prototype of its humanoid Optimus: a bipedal robot designed to replace humans in the most dangerous and difficult manual tasks after all, do all the work for us.

According to CEO Elon Musk, these robots will be Soon they will outnumber humans. He even predicts that within a few years everyone will have their own humanoid at home to do their household chores.

Recently, during an AI conference in the UK in early November 2023, Musk even claimed this Robots and artificial intelligence will eventually replace all jobs.

Even though Optimus is not scheduled to launch until 2027, many other startups also develop their humanoid robots. This is the case with 1X in Norway, Sanctuary in Canada and Apptronik in Texas.

Some of these companies have Furthermore, Tesla took precedence over him. Apptronik is therefore preparing to launch Apollo at the end of 2024. For its part, Agility Robotics has opened the first RoboFab robot factory in Oregon, which will produce 10,000 humanoids per year.

Now a new player has entered the race for bipedal robots. And it’s not a company, but a country one of the leading world powers: China.

On Thursday, November 2, 2023, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT), which is responsible for overseeing the country’s industrial sector, issued a statement a nine-page guide on its official website.

China wants to become a global leader in robotics by 2027

He states that China will start doing this Massively producing humanoid robots from 2025. The country’s goal is to “build an innovation system in humanoid robotics, achieve breakthroughs in several key technologies, and ensure the safe and efficient supply of core components” by that date.

Afterward, The Asian dragon plans to become a world leader this technology from 2027. From this point on, the ministry estimates that “humanoid robots” will emerge an important new growth engine ” for the country.

To support this transition, the document requires that by then “the technological innovation of humanoid robots increases significantly, a safe and reliable industrial logistics system emerges that a Industrial ecology with international competitiveness is built and our strength reaches the highest level in the world.”

This document also calls on industry to do the same Focus on the “brain,” “cerebellum,” and “limbs.” Humanoids and draws on advances in AI such as large language models.

THE Chinese companies are called upon to pick up the pace the development of humanoid robots for use in difficult and dangerous conditions.

According to the text published on November 2nd, the Industries such as healthcare, home services, agriculture There will be a boom in the use of robots in the logistics industry in the coming years.

Bringing “Chinese wisdom” to the development of the global robotics industry

The ministry also wants Improve industry standards and product testing facilities, build laboratories and Open source communities for robotics.

He also wants to develop better regulation, train young talent and cooperate internationally. In particular, China wants bring his “wisdom” into development the global robotics industry.

The next global industrial revolution?

It is not It’s not the first time China has tried it to accelerate the development of its robotics industry and promote independence in the face of this strong competition from the USA in several key technology areas such as processors.

Increasing the capabilities of humanoid robots in the manufacturing sector is also a priority for China. This is one possibility Counteract US restrictions by improving its autonomy.

Already in 2021 the The Asian superpower overtook the United States for the first time in the field of industrial robotics by becoming the fifth most automated country in the world, according to the International Federation of Robotics’ World Robotics 2022 report.

In August 2023, China impressed the world by organizing the World Robot Conference in Beijing, where Visitors from all over the world were able to discover it incredibly realistic robots.

At the start of its guide, MIIT notes that robots are likely to become the next “disruptive innovation” after computers, smartphones and electric vehicles. In return, robotics will profoundly change production and the way people live. She just leaves “Reshaping the pattern of global industrial development”

And you think that humanoid robotics will be a real revolution?