Plain language news from November 3 2023 at 725 pm

Plain language news from November 3, 2023 at 7:25 pm TVthek

Information | News in simple language

News in simple language

Israel has been at war since the attack by the radical Islamic terrorist organization Hamas 27 days ago. The Israeli army has now penetrated deep into the Gaza Strip and claims to have surrounded Gaza City. US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken arrived in Israel on Friday morning. He wants to mediate and is trying to achieve a humanitarian ceasefire for the Gaza Strip. The UN now sees a humanitarian catastrophe there and criticizes the fact that the delivery of aid cannot be carried out.
Bad news comes from the Upper Austrian company Lenzing. The company produces fibers for clothing. The fiber manufacturer continues to record high losses and wants to cut 500 jobs worldwide. Apparently half of them are in Austria, at the two locations in Lenzing in Upper Austria and Heiligenkreuz in Burgenland. The objective is to reduce personnel costs by 30 million euros.
There were strong thunderstorms with large amounts of rain in western and southern Austria on Friday night. Especially in Carinthia. There were still 1,600 homes without power in the morning. There were landslides, floods and fallen trees. The fire brigade in Carinthia was large-scale. There were also strong storms in Italy. There are five fatalities due to the storm. Italian authorities declared a state of emergency.