1699044663 On the presentation of her news program It demanded everything

On the presentation of her news program: “It demanded everything from me yesterday,” says Sophie Thibault

Presenter Sophie Thibault is “very affected” by the 547 job cuts to TVA’s production teams, but wants to take a leadership role to ensure the transition goes smoothly in the coming months.

In an interview with QMI Agency, the journalist, who has worked at TVA for 35 years, said that expectations were low when she appeared on the TVA Nouvelles program on Thursday for her bulletin.

“It took everything from me yesterday,” said the 62-year-old. It was cut with a knife and we didn’t exchange a word, although we usually joke and it’s in a good mood.

Like her colleague Paul Larocque, who hosts La Joute and Le Balance on LCN, Ms. Thibault compares Thursday’s news to the shock felt by the entire TVA family at the deaths of Gaétan Girouard and Jean Lapierre, two of the channel’s pillars .

“It’s something to hear that we’re going to cut 547 jobs, but then it’s to see a hairdresser crying for a touch-up, it’s to hear the cameramen tell me they got their work .” [avis de licenciement]. They are colleagues I know well, they are my family, TVA has been my second home since 1988,” she said.

In addition to colleagues and friends leaving the company, the entire news team – including employees of Salut Bonjour, TVA Sports and TVA Publications – will also move to the former Journal de Montréal premises at 4545 rue Frontenac, which will be fully furnished new developed and equipped with robot studios. In Quebec, all regional teams are grouped together.

“It’s like a heartbreak. We are shocked by the departure of our colleagues and realize that it is the end of an era because we will be moving. Our building needed renovation, but we always knew that.”

Show leadership qualities

Sophie Thibault has no intention of giving up. On the contrary, she even wants to show leadership qualities under the given circumstances.

“My role as an anchor is to help all of my colleagues get through this. We will all do it together. It won’t be an easy few weeks, but we have no choice but to stick together and make this transition successful together.”

She also praises the humanity of the current TVA bosses who ensured that she would “continue working until the age of 85.”

Ms. Thibault says her health is good, although she has to undergo other preventative treatments for skin cancer and constantly protect herself from the sun.

His colleague Pierre-Olivier Zappa, who runs the 10 p.m. TVA Nouvelles, is also shocked by the staff cuts at TVA.

On the presentation of her news program: “It demanded everything from me yesterday,” says Sophie Thibault

Pierre-Olivier Zappa PHOTO PROVIDED BY TVA

“My condolences go out to my comrades who are affected. These are talented people who make TVA successful. Here it is a shock for everyone! It is also an electric shock for decision makers and for the industry as a whole,” he wrote in an email.