1699045118 IMAGES CHOQUANTES The victim tried to escape from his attacker

[IMAGES CHOQUANTES] The victim tried to escape from his attacker in Brownsburg-Chatham –

WARNING, the images in the video above may shock some people.

The 62-year-old woman shot to death on the grounds of her Brownsburg-Chatham residence in 2020 tried to escape her killer before she was felled by a long shot to the back. reveal shocking footage shown in court this afternoon.

• Also read: [AUDIO] Femicide in Brownsburg-Chatham: A friend made a shocking call to 911

• Also read: Femicide in Brownsburg-Chatham: The victim is said to have filmed her murderer with surveillance cameras

The disturbing video has just been broadcast to the jury in the trial of Howard Charles Kirby, which continues all day at the Saint-Jérôme courthouse.

The 78-year-old is accused of the premeditated murder of Bonnie-Lyn Finnigan, his immediate neighbor, on Chemin Édina in the small community of Laurentides.

IMAGES CHOQUANTES The victim tried to escape from his attacker

Bonnie-Lyn Finnigan, here surrounded by three of her five children. On the left is her daughter Kelly Flynn and on the right is her daughters Crystal Finnigan and Katie Flynn. Courtesy of the victim’s family

It was admitted in court that the 60-year-old mother of five was killed on October 14, 2020 by a shot in the back from a 12-caliber rifle.

We see her first placing a branch on the ground and then moving a heavy wooden plank.

Then she sees a person in front of her with a rifle in his hand, on top of a rise in the ground.

When she realizes there is a gun pointed at her, she drops the board and runs towards her humble home.

Mrs. Finnigan turns once to face the gunman, sees that he is still holding her at gunpoint, and then continues her run in vain.

The video ends as the victim appears to jump forward from the force of the explosion.

The pathologist Dr. Caroline Tanguay in her statement today.

Kirby’s trial continues.

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