Where did the sympathy for Israel go

Where did the sympathy for Israel go?

Anti-Semitism is back in fashion – both in the Arab world and on the cultural scene. Robert Habeck’s clarification should be mandatory reading.

Michael Köhlmeier got his anger off his chest. “I expected hundreds of thousands of people around the world to take to the streets and express their sympathies for Israel. The opposite was the case. This will also go down in history as a great disgrace for the left.” His text, read by an actor in the sea of ​​lights at Vienna’s Heldenplatz on Thursday night, hit exactly a nerve in the flaming conflict in the Middle East that is raging. spreading from the so-called Holy Land to the entire world radiates.

You don’t have to go through the desecration of the Jewish section of Vienna’s Central Cemetery on All Saints’ Day, which was no fun on Halloween, to be not only surprised but also horrified by the rampant anti-Semitism – coming from the streets of Amman to New York, from protest marches from Berlin to Paris and London. The unspeakable slogan “Free Palestine – from the River to the Sea” is now echoing everywhere, which means nothing more than a Palestinian State from the Jordan to the Mediterranean and, therefore, the annihilation of Israel.

Israeli David versus Arab Goliath

All of this is happening 75 years after the founding of Israel and 85 years after the night of the pogrom in Nazi Germany. Where did the commitment to the Jewish State go, where did the wave of sympathy for “David” Israel against the Arab “Goliath” go after the Six Day War in 1967 and the Yom Kippur War six years later? The countless books, films, testimonies about the Holocaust, the lessons about Nazi atrocities, the visits to concentration camps from Mauthausen to Auschwitz?