November 5 love horoscopes bring unexpected luck for 3 zodiac

November 5 love horoscopes bring unexpected luck for 3 zodiac signs

We will discover that being lucky in love on Sunday is much more fun than we thought, especially because the happiness we will experience will be of an unexpected nature. This is what you get when the cosmos throws you the lunar square Uranus and we will be quite surprised that everything is fine on November 5, 2023.

Typically, a transit like the Moon square Uranus transit is not always the most positive of cosmic events. If we are not prepared, this could actually be a day full of confusion and even a breakup or two. However, things don’t work out that way for these three zodiac signs. When we grab some of the energy from the lunar square Uranus, we know where we’re going… even if we go about it in strange and unusual ways.

Sunday is the day when we do things for our loved ones, like surprising them with gifts they never expected or plans we know will delight them.

When choosing our gifts, we definitely take risks and run the risk of making our partners quite nervous.

That’s the risk we take with Uranus lunar square, and honestly, the chances of great success are almost there.

November 5 love horoscopes bring unexpected luck for three zodiac signs:

1. Capricorn

(December 22nd – January 19th)

While the world thinks you’re “business as usual”, they know little about the “other” side of you… the one where you’re pure rebel and crazy inspiration. This Sunday, you can push some of that intense responsibility aside to make room for something wild and crazy. Hey, you can’t always be on business and still have a love life. If you are responsible for maintenance, work with the transit of the Moon square Uranus.

You’ll find that you have a little more nerve than usual. It’s November 5th and you’re ready to go the extra mile. Instead of spending another boring day trying to live up to your over-organized self-image, you may find that this day you’re more inclined to engage your romantic partner in something neither of you have ever done before. The day could end up being the day you share some…interesting gifts.

This day also brings insightful news, and all of it is positive. What you’ll notice is that during the transit of the Moon square Uranus, you and your romantic partner will feel like you don’t want to stay the same forever. A crazy, spontaneous move could find you suddenly booking a flight to a faraway destination. You and your partner have a “living one life” mindset, and you both can certainly take advantage of that feeling.

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2. Aquarius

(January 20th – February 18th)

This transit, Moon square Uranus, is exactly what the doctor ordered, and in this case, you are the doctor. You’ve wanted to be able to relax and live your life your way for so long, and since that can only happen in small steps, when it does happen, like it will on November 5, 2023 will, make the most of it. And as luck would have it, you can do the same with your romantic partner.

When things go well, good things happen, and you may find that this day inspires both of you to do something completely original, something you’ve never done before… at least not together. You feel like the relationship could use a little refreshing, and in your case that means different perspectives, different tastes, different cultures. The Moon square Uranus lets you know that travel is in the near future.

You love the idea of ​​traveling, but it always requires so much of you, and although you don’t mind going alone, you much prefer going with the person you love. What is available to you on this day, November 5, 2023, is the knowledge that your partner wants to share in everything life has to offer with you. This includes travel and adventure. Finally, you’ll feel like you’re not alone on this journey, and with the Moon square Uranus you’ll realize there’s so much to look forward to.

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3. Fish

(February 19th – March 20th)

You’ve always been a big gift giver, and on November 5, 2023, you might have something fabulous in store as a gift for your romantic partner. Whether you’re celebrating an anniversary or just acknowledging that it’s fun to give each other gifts, you’ll find that during the Uranus lunar square transit, the most important thing is to share and care for each other as much as possible to honor. You feel like the natural gift is to know this person, but that’s not all, Pisces.

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On November 5th, you and your partner will feel as if you are the only people in the world who truly know what the meaning of love is. While this is a wonderfully romantic idea, your belief in this idea is so strong that it almost feels as if it could be real. You like this feeling; You BOTH like this feeling and it fills you with emotion and positivity. You feel like two little kids who discovered something amazing in the park and now it’s your little secret.

The Uranus lunar square also fulfills your own need to feel special, Pisces. You know you can’t be everyone’s cup of tea, but to the person you’re with, you feel like the best of the best, the best on the list, number one! Ah, it’s nice to be with you on November 5, 2023 during the Uranus lunar square. Enjoy your day, laugh at your secrets and try not to get into too much trouble, you hear me?!

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, tarot, runes and astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.