Israeli soldiers confront terrorists in northern Gaza see fight scenes

Israeli soldiers confront terrorists in northern Gaza; see fight scenes .com

IDF (Israel Defense Forces) soldiers have been carrying out land strikes for almost a week to eliminate Hamas terrorists and destroy the organization’s strategic infrastructure in the Gaza Strip. On Friday evening (3), the Israeli government released images of the clashes in the region.

In recent days, soldiers from the Armored Corps and Intelligence Service under the command of Division 460 have been operating in the north of the Gaza Strip in an area where several attempts have been made to attack IDF troops through tunnel systems and installations. Hamas military personnel, the Israeli army reported on Saturday morning.

Israeli forces eliminated Hamas members active in the area, exposed tunnel entrances used for terrorist purposes, and identified the organization’s war tactics.

In one of the latest clashes on Friday, tank corps and intelligence service soldiers clashed with 15 terrorists in the northern part of the Gaza Strip. Soldiers eliminated several terrorists, attacked tanks and destroyed three Hamas observation posts.

In addition, engineering and reconnaissance forces under the command of the Gaza Division conducted building mapping and neutralized IEDs left by Hamas during a limited push into the southern Gaza Strip.

During the operation, the emergency services encountered a group of terrorists who emerged from a tunnel entrance. In response, the soldiers fired rockets at them, destroying them.