Narjara Turetta remembers the last days of the life of

Narjara Turetta remembers the last days of the life of actress Elizangela Itatiaia

Narjara Turetta, 56 years old, recalled the last days of Elizangela’s life, who died this Friday (3) after suffering a cardiac arrest in a hospital in Rio de Janeiro. The actresses met a week ago and, according to them, it was a very happy evening “full of laughter”.

“This photo is exactly a week old. It was so nice to be with you, we had a lot of fun at this wonderful event in Magé! Felipe Reis and I picked you up at home, we got lost… and you waited beautifully for us,” he began.

“An evening full of laughter with the Diogo Bonfim show, fries, delicious drinks, snacks, nice people… That’s how life is… short! And as a friend says: To die, we must be alive. The only certain thing in life is death! Rest in peace, my dear! You left your mark on television and in people’s lives! I love you,” he concluded.

Actor Felipe Reis and comedian Diogo Bonfim also remembered the meeting. “My feeling is deep regret, I am still in shock, my dear Elizangela, I want to remember the joyful moments we lived, the laughter, your very loving audios… Last Thursday she made a point to honor come a project that I started in my city with Amaury Pimentel, with so much generosity, so much affection that I have no words to describe how much he will be missed in our lives…go with God, my dear “Wrote Felipe.

“I can’t believe it. She was with me last week, saw my show, talked… and now I get this sad news! So much good advice she gave me…broken heart here! Go with God, Elizangela, and thank you for so much affection for my art! Rest in peace,” Bonfim published.


Elizangela do Amaral Vergueiro, simply known as Elizangela, died at the age of 68 in Guapimirim, Rio de Janeiro, after suffering a cardiac arrest. She was taken to the José Rabello de Mello Municipal Hospital but did not survive.

“The municipality of Guapimirim regrets the death of the famous actress. This is the second time the community health system has treated Elizangela. The first time, Elizangela was admitted to the ward with severe breathing problems, and after a few weeks she was “discharged from the unit,” emphasizes the town hall in a statement.

She has not been on television since 2019 after participating in the soap opera “A Dona do Pedaço”. In 2022, she was admitted to the same hospital with respiratory complications from Covid19. City Hall reported that she arrived at the emergency room sick and almost had to be intubated.

Elizangela, who was against the Covid19 vaccine, did not take a dose of the vaccine. Due to her refusal, she was excluded from the cast of the soap opera “Travessia” (20222023).

With information from Natasha Werneck

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